Thursday, July 9, 2009

How To Remove A Warrant Block

s @ nflower The company has a specialization in the care and maintenance of parquet through special treatments (paint finish, wax finish, finishing oil and paint) that restoring natural beauty and luster. The products that are used are natural products of specific quality and have the following characteristics:
  • waterproof, tone, nourish and polish the wood products are made from vegetable wax and non-toxic, specific natural products of excellent quality,
  • beautify and protect the floor from wear. Do not miss a specific treatment for older floors by sanding and a good finish that gives the surface to its original splendor.


After the correspondence with the final sanding machine followed by single-brush roller 150 or retinal hard paper, draw the waste and run a dust mop covered with wet gauze.


If the floor is very uneven or very stained must be performed with a sanding machine sanding. If the floor waxed with wax solvent, is in fair condition, you can flush the wax remover solvent concentrated to 20-30% or more if necessary (or type Ecoklin Deka P). When the floor is dry, run a hand sanding with fine sandpaper or with floor machine equipped with abrasive retina. In cases of very dirty floor lies the pure product and then procede al risciacquo. Lavare con monospazzola e disco nero aereato (Type 66) bagnando poco ed aspirando immediatamente i residui. Si esegue poi un risciacquo finale veloce e si aspira bene. Si usa prima la retina da 80 e poi quella più fina da 150.Se il pavimento necessita di una carteggiatura più profonda usare dischi abrasivi in carta fustellati a partire dalla grana 40 fino a 150.

Si possono usare i dischi fustellati anche per rimuovere vecchi trattamenti di vetrificazione. Si usa apposito disco trascinatore. Dopo aver accertato che la superficie a liscia, si esegue una spolveratura con scopa a frangia e garza inumidita.

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