Saturday, January 29, 2011

Anyone Bought Diazepam Online

Alberi a Treviso: la cattiva manutenzione che provoca malattie e giustifica l’abbattimento.

The local press has given considerable weight: recently started the operation by March that will lead to the killing of about 200 trees in the city. Viale Cadorna oaks, pines of the San Liberale, the elm street Radaelli, trees along the outer ring of walls, to those at the intersection of Callalta and Postojna: chainsaws "local" will significantly reduce the already depleted tree heritage city for reasons ranging, according to Councillor for Public Works, to the poor health of the plants to the threat to the sidewalks and underground services or even for blocks.
phone calls of citizens began to arrive on Sunday morning when the chainsaws were at work along the outer ring. People outraged at those who emerged as indiscriminate actions have given us information, we have offered the assistance of experts in the maintenance of the green, gave us the photographs documenting some of the felled trees were already mature trees in the '50s and '60s and thus represent a wealth of history, as well as natural for the city.
not fail once again to recall as the municipal administration, in many other Italian cities, when the sidewalks are damaged by tree roots or underground services likely to be damaged, you are working on the sidewalks or on the underground, without having to chop down trees !

The trees not only improve the city from the aesthetic point of view, make it more livable shade the streets reducing the summer heat, allow to those who travel by bicycle is not burned by the sun, are a barrier against noise traffic, capture the PM10 in the air and absorb carbon dioxide.
Each felled tree is to impoverish the environment worsening the quality of life in the city and to "replace" would need to be planted a dozen plants with some years of age is certainly not enough to plant another tree somewhere!
The tree heritage of the city (both in the center in the suburbs) is stato pesantemente intaccato in questi sedici anni di amministrazione leghista con le più svariate scuse, dall’allargamento delle strade (invece che pensare ad una loro utilizzazione più razionale, come ad esempio qualche senso unico) alle malattie delle piante.
In questo caso l’amministrazione comunale ha comunicato che gli alberi (alcuni anche di decine di anni di età) che ombreggiavano strade, piazze e abitazioni rendendole più vivibili per i cittadini, verranno “sostituiti” da un analogo numero di nuove piante.
La maggior parte delle nuove piantumazioni, però, sono previste in zone della città diverse da quelle in cui sono stati registrati i tagli, che rimarranno quindi prive degli alberi that shaded streets and sidewalks. How can we think that a tree which has dozens of years of life can be "replaced" by a plant a few months old, if only for the amount of oxygen that gives us?
If these assessments are not new, these days the cooperation of the citizens has allowed us to investigate two other issues: the importance of a constant and proper maintenance of the heritage trees and the effects of inadequate maintenance, carried out with outdated methods .

Poor pruning, topping the indiscriminate, in short, the improper maintenance of the trees may cause diseases to plants, in a few years, ne giustificheranno l’abbattimento perché “sono malate, rischiano di cadere, hanno i fusti vuoti all’interno”.
Così, la cattiva qualità degli interventi di oggi creerà le condizioni perché siano giustificati gli abbattimenti di domani.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Milena Velba In Front Of Computer

Museo del Risorgimento "clandestino".

La denuncia di Enzo Raffaelli, presidente provinciale dell’Istituto per la Storia del Risorgimento, segna un altro triste capitolo per la cultura nella nostra città: è un vera e propria vergogna il fatto che da decenni Treviso abbia a disposizione un patrimonio di reperti risorgimentali e sia a malapena in grado di conservarli, di esporli al pubblico non se ne parla neanche!
Per la renovation of the museum complex Sanata Caterina, certifies as Council resolution of 3 March 2010, the costs incurred so far have been nearly € 3,700,000 in addition to (Council resolution of 17 March 2010), the € 900,000 allocated to completion of the museum in the building stock ex-St John Commandery of the Temple. The total is about € 4,600,000. The museum of St. Catherine has been the subject of repeated openings but is unable to accommodate either the artifacts and memorabilia or posters of the Risorgimento Collection Willow!
right, then, the president proposes Raffaelli when the municipal administration to donate the collection Risorgimento in Padua or Vicenza where it could be properly categorized and valued in the existing historical museums.
These are the effects of 15 years of neglect of the national cultural heritage, as we have repeatedly complained of neglect result of a deliberate political and administrative institutions and cultural events relegated to last place in the priorities of city government.
for this choice is now added to the City and County not to provide some types of activities for the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy, with the excuse of lack of funds. Muraro we would like to remind the President, by the way of cost cutting, that the last 18 months of his term were characterized by two issues: the € 260,000 (over half a billion lire) used for advice for the fusion of public transport companies of the March, an operation coordinated by the Province and whose initial approach proved unsuccessful, and the € 810,000 spent on initiatives (news of the province, sponsorship of cycling races, TV commercials, the opening of the new provincial seat ...) that have much the flavor of propaganda that the services to citizens.
would perhaps have been the case that the Provincial Government began to address the problem of cost containment when he decided this type of "initiatives" rather than worry about it just now to justify the failure to take for the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy.
And what about the city administration? Other cities do not exist to use assets such as the collection of artifacts and Salce Risorgimento to organize events, exhibitions and cultural events on the occasion of the 150th own: there is no need to find the material to be exhibited, is already available to the City .
Also in 2011, however, posters and exhibits will remain in hiding to which they condemn 16 years of myopia (if not blindness) in municipal cultural policy.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Why Do I Burn Itch During Period

1998-2010: entrate da parcheggi decuplicate, 50 miliardi entrati nelle casse comunali!

The revenue from parking service are nearly ten times the administration comunale di Treviso nel periodo 1998-2010: si va, infatti, dai 412.000 € del ’98 ai 3.566.000 per il 2010, secondo quanto ha dichiarato l’assessore Zugno nei giorni scorsi.
Si tratta di un aumento costante nel tempo, come documentano gli altri dati ricavati dai bilanci consuntivi del Comune, e che assume un valore complessivamente stratosferico.
Se l’incremento delle entrate per il Comune è stato sostanzialmente costante nel tempo, è anche evidente che l’aumento si è fatto ancora più consistente con l’introduzione dei “parcheggi elettronici” che non hanno altro scopo se non quello di ridurre ulteriormente le quote di “evasione tariffaria” e di aumentare l’efficacia the penalty system to increase municipal revenue.
As we have already noted, in this time period, income increased tenfold Trevisani are certainly not (indeed, if anything, the economic crisis has reduced them) and have increased tenfold (thankfully) even expenditure costs, services of restaurant.
It 'obvious that a single logic guiding the choice of municipal government, including in parking lots, to "make money": the "revolution of the car does not respond to any project on the mobility or the old town and pedestrian has nothing to do with the creation of park and ride outside the walls that are necessary for promote intermodality and use of public transport at least in the old town.
Faced with revenue increased tenfold in ten years and the real flood of money that the parking fee they have brought into municipal coffers (over € 25 million, about 50 billion lire) is obvious to ask how this was used huge amount of money.
Revenue were made available to a plan for the rationalization of urban mobility, for the construction of new park and ride, for experimenting with new ways of staging in conjunction with a trial of the historical center of the pedestrian? No, of course: they are finite in the cauldron of revenue current City Council and used to fund the normal costs, the maintenance of many roads and sidewalks, there were certainly aimed at a project for a new road and a new urban mobility.
With 50 billion you could build new park and ride, you could fund experimental shuttle service between parking and intermodal center, one could study cases and to envisage closing to traffic of the city's medieval streets and initiatives for the revitalization of center.
None of this, of course it happened, because the municipal administration lacks any kind of project for mobility in cities, because the Board is priva di idee anche per quanto riguarda il rilancio del centro storico, a livello culturale come a livello commerciale e perché le entrate da parcheggi sono una boccata d’aria essenziale per l’ordinaria amministrazione comunale.
Non smetteremo mai, infatti, di ricordare che per anni le amministrazioni leghiste di Treviso non sono state in grado di presentare nessun progetto (neppure per la tanto invocata sicurezza) adeguato a portare finanziamenti regionali, nazionali ed europei di questo tipo nelle casse comunali, soprattutto per ché si tratta di progetti che richiedono interventi di medio periodo a cui le giunte leghiste non pensano neppure.
Risultato? Per il Comune di Treviso l’unico modo per aumentare le entrate è to increase some high taxes, to sell off the territory to the mobile phone operators or to those who cements or, indeed, increase revenue from parking.