Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Bartender Error Message

of employees' cleaning company gorla ready to protest at the lack of salaries

- BRINDISI - Gorla The cleaning company pays employees who serve at the UN base, but not those serving in the Citadel of local search. The union supports the Cobas private labor with a note inviting the President of the Citadel to do about the pressing, or otherwise terminate the contract.

According to the Cobas, Gorla employees entrusted with the cleaning service of the United Nations logistics base salaries because they perceived the company has come under the scrutiny of the direction of the base, with the risk of losing the contract. The same should be done, calls the union of the base, the presidency the Citadel.

"More and more payments are made by checks that force employees to go to Bari exposing themselves to considerable risks. Employment contracts are part-time and therefore the salaries are very skimpy, but are of vital importance for the families concerned. The protests made in recent months against the company and the Citadel Search Gorla were not enough to make decisions, "says the Cobas in his statement.

So the situation is-announced-could lead to "noisy protest actions

at the gates of the structure," warned the union Cobas. "Last time the protest in front lasted only an hour at the gates to the holding of a meeting, but this time the workers are ready to protest for the whole day if not longer. "

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

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unions against the cleaning company that was awarded the contract to the mall the great harbor

- CGIL, CISL and declared a state of agitation. Last Saturday strike of women workers engaged in the service outsourced to Manutencoop, which is contesting three transfers of employees

- San Benedetto del Tronto - Agitation Filcams union CGIL and CISL Fisascat Ipercoop at Porto Grande. The protests are directed to the conduct by the Manutencoop Facility Management, a company from 1 January 2010 took over management of the contract Cleaning hypermarket Ipercoop Porto Grande. According to Alessandro Pompei

CGIL, the Manutencoop at the start of the service had signed a verbal agreement in which they promised to summarize all workers the same economic and regulatory conditions.

is what would happen then, in the words of Pompeii, "Then the Manutencoop reported an excess of 87 hours per week total hours on the contract, determining the weekly requirement of 198 hours instead of the current 285 hours and has made a unilateral reduction in working hours , letting them leave accruing to workers. Unions have reported the incident to management dell'Ipercoop Porto Grande, who said she was surprised di tale surplus orario, e alla direzione di Coop Adriatica. La Manutencoop, dopo un iniziale tentativo di trattativa, ha operato tre trasferimenti presso la Protezione Civile dell'Aquila. Reputiamo tale atteggiamento non in linea con le relazioni sindacali presenti presso il punto vendita e gravemente lesive dei diritti e della dignità delle lavoratrici presenti nell'appalto così come sanciti dal contratto nazionale di settore».

Di conseguenza Cgil e Cisl hanno dichiarato lo stato di agitazione, il blocco degli straordinari e della flessibilità e hanno indetto un pacchetto di 16 ore di sciopero fino al 31 marzo. Un primo sciopero è stato indetto sabato scorso. Chiedono il ritiro immediato dei trasferimenti e il recupero delle ferie e permessi decurtati.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Recent Developments Of Empysema

Contract cleaning and gardening for free?

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Qui la tua pubblicità

What Is Nelson's Syndrome

unemployment rises, in three thousand in line for a job "preferences? Today anything goes"

- TORINO - a job, that is also three months, not only attracts young people, but in times of crisis to make us a little thought are also many over 40. "It Works", the show in progress at the Lingotto Fiere, managed to gather in one of yesterday morning 2,500 people (now about a thousand more in the evening): there are 11 thousand seats to be won in the tourism, hospitality and well-being. All

in line to register and then off to do interviews and aspirations according to accounts later this month to make ends meet. "My dream - Sarmi said Valentina, 20 years - is to become a stewardess. That's why I'm here. I speak fluent francese e inglese, e con lo spagnolo me la cavo. Speriamo in bene». Oltre cento posti di lavori sono offerti da "Disneyland Paris" che durante il salone seleziona giovani e professionisti da inserire in diversi ruoli nel più grande parco divertimenti d´Europa.

«Io non cerco un lavoro particolare - ammette Giada Levi, 24 anni, alle prese con gli esami universitari - però mi piacerebbe vivere a Parigi per un´estate: al di là dei soldi, è un´esperienza interessante. Ma per il futuro ho altri obiettivi: finita Giurisprudenza, vorrei frequentare un master in diritto internazionale o fare la pratica da avvocato».

Ma la maggior parte dei candidati è in cerca di un lavoro "vero", che spera non si limiti all´estate. «Tra poco - racconta Davide, 16 anni - sosterrò l´esame per diventare cuoco. L´appuntamento di oggi mi sembra un´ottima occasione per mandare in giro il mio curriculum. Se lavoro bene per tre mesi, magari alla fine mi tengono». Le imprese presenti al Lingotto - come Club Med e Valtur - stanno cercano in particolare 3.600 addetti sala e bar, mille receptionist, mille addetti ai centri benessere, 780 istruttori sportivi, 1.200 animatori turistici, 200 cuochi, 200 camerieri e 150 baristi, 130 capo villaggio, 160 addetti agli impianti di risalita, 100 dj e tecnici audio, 190 coreografi e 110 scenografi, 165 ballerini e 70 falegnami.

«A me va bene tutto - dice Dieynaba, 39 anni - sono Senegal came from many years ago. Before I worked in a cleaning company: a few months ago, unfortunately I was unemployed. I came here hoping to find a job: no longer young and for me it is more difficult. " From the group created on Facebook, it echoes Giusy Bucalo, 48, "I need a job. I can claim so many qualifications and diplomas is not right, that after a life spent working, I penalize for the age. " In its request for relief is added Gianpaolo Garland: "I am a hotel manager and got interested in a permanent job. Is there any chance? ". The social network has already received 2 thousand members and the board is packed with applications and curriculum. "After several years of experience in hotels at international level - for example, writes Stefano Faccioli from Bologna - I am a victim of the crisis. How do I send my application? ".

the two days for the job is also expected to arrive by bus with students and job seekers from the provinces of Alexandria and Verbania, and Savoy to France.
The event was made possible by Region, Province, City and Agency Piedmont Job: co-operating also local authorities and the employment centers of France and the Valle d'Aosta.

Every six months, "It Works" brings together companies with those seeking for employment: with the latest edition, which goes back to last October, 30 percent of candidates failed to find a job. Yesterday morning, opened the festival, Chef "star" David Scabin that awarded three young chefs, with an internship at his restaurant of Rivoli. Today at 11.30 am, the two samples are expected in the Italian basketball, Gianmarco Pozzecco and Riccardo Pittis, tells visitors that their experience of entrepreneurs in the tourism and hotel sector, intertwined with their sporting careers.