Thursday, August 26, 2010

Renewing Tn Driver's License & Cost

Onigo Palace: De Poli returns empty to the City.

Dopo 10 anni in cui non è riuscito a farne niente e non ha investito sulla sua ristrutturazione, la Fondazione Cassamarca restituisce al Comune Palazzo Onigo, più o meno come si restituisce un “vuoto” inutilizzabile!
Nell’ambito dei rapporti di sudditanza del Comune verso la Fondazione, la questione si presta ad un paio di valutazioni.
La Fondazione, in primo luogo, è disponibile ad utilizzare le proprie (attualmente scarse) risorse per il recupero di Palazzo Onigo.
La stessa fondazione, però sarebbe intenzionata ad effettuare investimenti molto più cospicui per la trasformazione degli immobili del complesso immobiliare di piazza Duomo costituito dall’ex-tribunale, dalle ex-carceri, dall’ex-sede del giudice conciliatore e dall’ex-comando della polizia municipale.
Il complesso, infatti, è in fase di cessione by the City to the foundation part of the "Rising real estate" that also involves the province.
right, then, those who argue that the foundation is available for transactions and speculative building but not to recovery of the architectural heritage of the city to be allocated to public services and cultural?
The City, on the other hand, seems ready as soon as it has received, to make the real estate market Onigo Palace in order to gain a few million euro, but finally lost to the civil community trevisana another piece of his estate, after the many have already been sold in recent years.
Any thoughts on what he knows) sul possibile utilizzo del prestigioso immobile (già sede delle associazioni e che ospitava una sala riunioni), nessun tentativo di coinvolgere altri partners (pubblici o privati) per restituire Palazzo Onigo alla città con una funzione culturale o sociale.
La sorte sarebbe già decisa: un altro pezzo di privatizzazione del centro storico è pronto per essere avviato.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Insert The Adaptor C Into Whippet

The municipal sewage treatment plant needs a special maintenance.

L’area di ingresso della rete fognante e dell’impianto di smaltimento dei bottini del depuratore comunale continua ad emanare – durante le fasi di lavorazione – odori nauseabondi che accompagnano chi passeggia lungo il Sile, solo perché l’amministrazione comunale non ha voluto invest the modest sum needed to build the station's coverage booties, a solution often recommended by the technicians.
The state of poor maintenance of various components of municipal sewage is clearly visible to those that come in via Pavese.
The green is not treated, the plants are rusting, the workplace as well as degraded very dirty, there is no sign of the necessary facilities or adequate signage for the safety of the workplace.
In nine years there was almost no spending the extra maintenance of the system, nor about the building works or those of electromechanical equipment. All interventions were necessary for plant adaptation or implementation of new sections (see cogenerator) or, specifically regarding the MSW, the transition from demonstration plant for industrial use.
the upgrades and replacement machines were very small, which total approximately € 250,000, spread over nine years, meaning about 30,000 € a year, a figure clearly inadequate for a system on which, in the same period, invested over € 6,000,000 of the new plant.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

How Early To Wax Before Vacation

Maintenance of the green.

For years, environmentalists and many citizens are asking members to the municipal administration of Treviso and its "operational arm" Trevisoservizi di aumentare la quantità e migliorare la qualità del servizio di manutenzione del verde pubblico, in particolare di cura e di potatura degli alberi.
Da anni ci chiediamo se non sarebbe stato possibile spendere meglio il milione e settecentomila euro pagati ogni anno dal Comune a Treviso Servizi per la manutenzione del verde pubblico. Ci chiediamo se gli oltre dipendenti della Treviso Servizi che si occupano proprio di verde pubblico in città non potrebbero allargare il loro raggio d’azione a tutte le vie cittadine e non solo a quelle abitualmente seguite.
Tra l’altro numerose esperienze di altre città dimostrano come sia possibile rendere compatibili le esigenze delle persone con l’esistenza di alberi che ombreggiano le vie, produce oxygen and protect against dust.
With proper maintenance of the trees will prevent not only that we are overloading the stems and branches ready to fall to the strong wind but the trees that cover signs or lights in public, that the fallen leaves filling up the drain, that arms are too long reach the walls or roofs of the houses ... So it becomes easier to avoid cutting trees because they "bother" or because damage to buildings.
Regulation of public parks, with proper maintenance and constant heritage trees, gradual and less invasive interventions when they have problems of compatibility between trees and the urban context: these are the proposals that we make for years, ignored, all’amministrazione cittadini per dare concretezza ad una concezione culturale in cui il verde è al servizio della qualità della vita dei cittadini.
Il rischio, invece, è che – ancora una volta – la mancata manutenzione degli alberi e la caduta di rami e tronchi causata dalla tempesta di qualche giorno fa diventino pretesti per un’altra delle campagne di “abbattimento selvaggio di alberi” a cui siamo ormai abituati.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Is Sorbolene Good For Masterbation

Local public health unit warns risks to biological agents in the field of professional cleaning.

Local Health Authority of Section H of Rome issued a document entitled "risk from biological agents in the polish companies" Consolidated Safety Legislative Decree 81/08, Title X , where are treated risks to biological agents in the field of professional cleaning .

The the biologic agents are microorganisms, cell cultures or human endoparasites which may cause infections , allergies or poisoning .

biological agents are classified according to their hazards (for both workers that for ordinary people) on parameters given by infectivity, transmissibility, pathogenicity and possible neutralizzabilità. The virulence of the agents is understood as the totality of characteristics of infectivity and patogenigicità.

The risks to biological agents in the workplace can be caused by: a deliberate use

  • : activity during which biological agents are deliberately introduced into the work cycle to be processed, handled or processed to exploit its biological properties or deliberately isolated, grown or processed to determine the presence, type and / or quantity in the samples.
  • a potential Exposure activities where you can highlight the presence of biological agents, even at high concentrations, breakthrough but as a fact and not voluntary, lacks the deliberate intent to make them the subject of work.

In cleaning companies exposure to biological agents is type potential: the activities are carried out in very different locations, and operators are not exposed to risks associated specifically with their job, but the situations and environmental hygiene the site where from time to time perform their jobs.

It is therefore extremely important that there is an active collaboration and coordination between the firm of polish and the customer service, particularly in the management of biological risk. The document reminds employers that the risk assessment is also required for activities involving potential exposure, this assessment depends on the mandatory implementation of certain protective and preventive measures:

  • adoption of specific sanitation;
  • specific measures for health care facilities and veterinary health surveillance
  • .

In particular regard to technical measures, organizational and procedural employer:

  • avoid the use of a harmful biological agent if the type of work permits;
  • limited to the minimum risk of workers exposed to biological agents;
  • properly designed work processes through the use of safety devices against accidental exposure;
  • adopt collective measures (or individual if you can not otherwise) of protection;
  • adopt hygienic measures to prevent and minimize the accidental spread of a biological agent out of the workplace;
  • use the biohazard sign;
  • develop appropriate procedures for taking, handling and processing samples of human and animal
  • defines procedures to deal with accidents;
  • verify the presence of biological agents at work;
  • establish the capability for the disposal of waste;
  • agree procedures for handling and transportation of biological agents within and outside the workplace.

The employer is also required to provide workers with information and instructions on:

  • risks to health from biological agents used
  • safety precautions to avoid exposure
  • hygiene measures to be observed
  • the function of protective clothing and of personal di protezione ed il corretto impiego
  • le procedure da seguire per la manipolazione di agenti biologici pericolosi
  • il modo di prevenire gli infortuni e ridurne al minimo le conseguenze

I lavoratori devono ricevere la formazion e prima di intraprendere le attività in questione e devono essere aggiornati con frequenza almeno quinquennale. Nei luoghi di lavoro devono poi essere presenti cartelli che illustrino procedure da seguire in caso di infortunio.

La sorveglianza sanitaria deve tener conto della pericolosità dell’agente e della reale esposizione in relazione agli specifici compiti effettuati” e dei fattori favorenti l’infezione, quali ipersuscettibilità individual or environmental factors that may reduce the skin's immune system and mucous membranes.