Monday, April 26, 2010

Southpark - It's The Japanese

economic crisis, the municipality in the province of Varese castronno has little money, he leaves the house cleaning company, the mayor washes the windows of the town

- VARESE - In times of economic hardship, even small gestures, while blatantly made, may be helpful to the budget. E 'with this belief that Big Luciano, Mayor of League Castronno (Varese), decided to save money which is usually a cleaning company called twice a year, and this morning he started to clean himself, alone, the windows of City Hall.

Castronno has less than 5 thousand inhabitants, a railway station, an entrance to the highway A8 Milano-Varese, and those broken and € 5 thousand each year are used to wash the windows, one euro each for every citizen, it is better to serve the social services "and remain in the territory - the mayor said in the green jersey - why I wanted to make this gesture." But this takes off the job to someone: "I know - said the mayor wipers - but it was necessary to give a strong signal."

Castronno social services to account for 700 thousand on an annual budget of € 4.5 million: This year, concluded the Mayor wipers - we had to cut public works and culture. And after? "

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

5d Mark Ii T-mount Adapter

sit-in protest of the staff of 'cleaning company' euroservizi 'for school buildings

- Lecce (Salento) - Sit-in protest in Via XX Settembre in Nardo. The reason: the non-payment of salaries of workers, former LSU used in the cleaning service of Nardo and Galashiels in the various schools.

(Paola De Pascali) - "It's a problem with the company, 'Euroservizi Ltd.' that manages the state-year mark, the provincial secretary of Uil-Tucs - and this issue is repeated for some time, for almost one year. "

Adding to the tension and worry to the employees as the company announced in a letter.

"Not only is able to deliver the pay-more-Uil Tucs the provincial secretary-but actually has no further data to be communicated." In this way, it reveals the seriousness of the situation and the concerns of employees plausible. "We just want our paycheck-state-ask the employees to recover our dignity as workers."

And still the used point out, "must understand that there are families who live entirely on this income."

addition, as evidenced by the provincial secretary, "this month, the employees were not paid and in the other months during the year have always been subject to the payment slip."

Those employed in the service of providing cleaning their work in schools, 'Ezio Vanoni', 'Galileo Galilei', 'Lombardo Radice' (commonly called Pilanuova) and 'Giovanni XXIII'.

"It's not fair - the state employees' Euroservizi'-discrimination and paid them to do only the employees of some schools and some are not. In fact, Christmas and Easter si sono comportati in questo modo, dandoci in acconto 300 euro”. Inoltre, le seguenti lavoratrici sottolineano: “da 7 mesi non riceviamo i contributi ‘Fonte’ per la Previdenza complemenatare”.

Per risolvere tale situazione il segretario Provinciale della Uil - Tucs, Marco Dell’Anna intende cercare di mettere in piedi una Vertenza per sensibilizzare tutte le Istituzioni.

“Noi abbiamo già coinvolto il Provveditore – ha affermato il segretario provinciale Uil- Tucs - l’Ufficio scolastico regionale che è il committente dell’appalto stabilendo nel contratto di appalto una enorme salvaguardia dei diritti dei lavoratori. Infatti, sono Penalties for infringement of the collective agreement until the termination of contract. "

In addition, the consortium has been involved in Euroservizi part that is 'Manital' to reach a final solution.

"Eventually the solution - said Brand of the Year, the provincial secretary of Uil-Tucs - would be to have to replace this company with another Euroservizi because both economic and financial conditions necessary to guarantee the continuation of the service" .

In this context, the school directors of the institutes 'Ezio Vanoni' and 'Galileo Galilei' have demonstrated their sensitivity by sending reminders to the Superintendent, the Regional Office and the Consortium. Within the latter there is concern about what could be the continuation of the following facility.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Adults Making Love Clip

painting "en plein air" Julie Maggi

Classes will be held outdoors (the basic principle of painting En Plein Air) at different times depending on the subject studied. The locations will be set to lesson in class but will be held in the Villa Doria Pamphili (open from April to September from 6 h to 21 h).
Lesson 1:
- The choice of subject;
- The light and natural color;
- The design and proportions.
Lesson 2:
- The preparatory sketch;
- The preparation of color
- The visual balance.
Lesson 3:
- Transparent color;
- bright lights and realism;
- Shadows.
Lesson 4:
- The finishing details;
- The vibration of color;
- Care of the canvas.
The lessons will be proposed readings of 800 mostly European Classics, to suggest atmosphere and share the passion for reading. The texts will be selected by the teacher but suggestions will be screened by the students.
Each lesson has a cost of 25 € and a duration of three hours. The time
del corso è dalle h.16 alle h.19 e i giorni di lezione sono il mercoledì, giovedì, venerdì e sabato. La domenica possono a richiesta essere recuperate delle lezioni perse (al costo di 30 euro).
Il numero minimo di partecipanti al corso è 3 persone, il massimo è 10.

- Stiratore di cm 29,7 X 42 (A3);
- Carta da schizzo, possibilmente in blocco o quaderno in formato più piccolo o uguale ad un A3;
- Matite di media durezza e gomma pane;
- Matite acquerellabili di 12 tonalità minimo;
- Colori ad olio, i cinque primari (Bianco, Nero, Rosso Magenta, Blu Ciano e Giallo) più vari colori a scelta (almeno 12 in totale, a scelta dello student taking into account that the case of painting outdoors will be good tones tend to favor the colors of nature, avoiding the more artificial). The brand colors can affect the quality of the painting, I recommend the Windsor and Newton;
- Fabrics of various sizes and shapes (not exceeding A3 size)
- Essence of turpentine and linseed oil;
- Brushes of various measurements: flat, round, A cat's tongue (at least one brush size "0" round);
- A palette of hard plastic, preferably lockable,
- Two plastic containers like bowls or bottles cut resistant;
- possibly cloths white or light-colored;
- Three caps da vino in sughero e scotch;
- Una cartellina per il trasporto dei materiali (consigliata la cassetta-cavalletto da terra, per chi volesse fare un “investimento”);
- Per chi volesse (ma non è assolutamente necessaria), macchina fotografica.

Si consiglia di portarsi merenda e acqua al sacco e un piccolo cuscino o uno sgabello per sedersi. È consigliato un abbigliamento comodo e un grembiule.

Per info e prenotazioni:

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Cheesecake Recipe Starbucks

the fom, company Bernie Ecclestone, to disappear from the Sepang circuit the baby-workers in a' cleaning company

The baby workers have disappeared from the Sepang circuit. After the publication of their photos in the cabinets of most drivers do not stand Mong, a boy of 13 years in Bangladesh imported by an agency of Malaysia, but a woman in her forties. And emptying of litter bins and garbage cans being left to all young adults.

The FOM, Bernie Ecclestone, the company that runs the Formula 1, he had promised: "They are the sons of other workers (actually wore the uniform of the cleaning, ed), but no longer have to stay here." "And 'a scandal - Amnesty International reacts to the mouth of Riccardo Noury, Italian spokesman of the association who had just published a report on Malaysia -. We stated that the cleaning companies in Malaysia are in the hands of traffickers of labor, which had to be careful. But nothing. "

'F1 - insists Noury \u200b\u200b- has a duty to ensure that its business will not be adopted or even tolerate behaviors that constitute a serious violation of international law. " Without going into details, the Ferrari yesterday condemned "all forms of labor exploitation." Bruno Senna, who with his family runs a foundation in memory of his uncle Ayrton, expressed another concern: "It is not serious if a child performs some work. It becomes such if it denies him the right to school education. "

The FIA, however, denies the problem: "The heads of the circuit have assured us that the charges are false - says a spokeswoman -. We are concerned that such serious allegations are inaccurate and were published without verification more accurate. "