Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mobile Disk Hd-338 How To Open

Il sottopasso pedonale di via Ospedale Provinciale.

will have been achieved with new technologies but also some problems with the design of the pedestrian underpass via Provincial Hospital has it. The underpass, which has replaced the level crossing on the railway line Venice-Udine, was implemented under the complementary works for the restructuring of the former mental hospital Sant'Artemio and should allow for pedestrians and cyclists to reach the new home of Province storge and park without using the subway car whose Garland Street footpaths exposed to exhaust gases from motor vehicles.
pity, however, that the access ramps to the underpass, which must be used by mothers with pushchairs, disabled people in wheelchairs, old people with a stick or other guardians, are dangerous and only 70 cm wide, then narrowed further to 50 cm the bottom of the catwalk. Even the passage of children accompanied by an adult becomes complicated.
After the allegations in the local press have been insured for actions to solve the problems: We wonder, however, whether a public work that was opened 18 months ago could not be designed to tale da evitare alla radice queste gravi difficoltà.
Se un sottopasso pedonale è difficilmente utilizzabile da anziani, disabili, bambini la sua utilità, infatti, è largamente compromessa.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What Does Green Mean Shag Band

Le ruspe del Piano di Lottizzazione S. Martino 1

Il piano di lottizzazione San Martino 1 è stato a suo tempo al centro di una durao battaglia per salvare dal cemento l'area che si trova dietro la casa di riposo di Santa Bona. Dopo proteste e lotte, la lottizzazione (su terreni Israa) è stata spostata nell'appezzamento che costeggia via Santa Bona Nuova, mentre l'area dietro la casa di riposo è stata destinata a parco pubblico. I lavori della lottizzazione sono iniziati da pochi giorni e la terra di scavo del cantiere, heaps, is routinely discharged in the green area that should be protected apopunto to become a park, close to the delicate and perilous river: we do not want the land to remain there for months, destroying the lawn and landslides in the course of ' water, endangering other words, the green area and the river saved from overbuilding in the City Council.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How To Change My Proxy For Games

Il danno e la beffa della "domenica ecologica".

That of 30 January in Treviso was not a "Sunday-label" but damage to the city for the environmental awareness of citizens, traders and merchants and was the usual trick for law-abiding citizens.
E 'was damaging to the city because the formal rules "draconian" block traffic (no vehicle should enter the "red zone", even those powered by gas or electricity, which not pollute) have deterred many tourists from reaching Treviso, consequently, has lost a significant number of visitors.
E 'was detrimental to the environmental sensitivity because the total lack of controls Trevisani has convinced many that the traffic jams are a farce, so that they are useless, so that the fight against air pollution is not important. If one adds to this the fact that do not control or even fines for blocking effect from Monday to Friday from November 1 to April 30 (for petrol vehicles Euro 2, Euro 3 diesel vehicles and two-stroke motorcycles is not a Euro) you can see how the choice of the town helped to kill the sensitivity environmental Trevisani. If you wanted to give the impression that "Ecological Sundays" are useless, the result was certainly achieved.
E 'was detrimental to traders and merchants Sunday because the city did not offer any initiative that would attract pedestrians and cyclists in the center and pushed families and the elderly to use the bus to get inside the walls. Any event would be a way to rediscover the Trevisani the city without cars, would have developed Treviso in the eyes of the few tourists who arrived in the center of the first 10 and would be a way to not damage the merchants who were heavily penalized even the assumption that the block was observed.
None of this, administrators say that in the coffers of the City there is no money for events and even to organize the controls at the entrances to the city, but we affirm once again that the real problem are the priorities of this council and that the use of available resources is merely the consequence of his policies.
remember the years when the "Ecological Sundays" were financed by the government and the administrations Lega stubbornly refused to consider them: If you had started in those years, with government money, maybe now we will have a proven mechanism that would require fewer resources to be set in motion.
But let's not forget even the river of money that goes into municipal coffers, for example, the fees for parking: in this sector resources for the city increased tenfold from 1998 to 2010, during the same period the administration has received from parking charges more than 25 million euro, 50 billion lire. It is not possible to allocate some of these huge resources to fund initiatives to reduce air pollution, "Ecological Sundays" included? Why
, Meanwhile, air pollution continues to increase gripping the city and bringing Treviso to be one of the worst Italian provincial capitals for air quality. But on Sunday
label was, unfortunately, a joke, a mockery of the families that thought they could get around town by bicycle or on skates and found themselves besieged by cars, as always. Above all it was a mockery of the Trevisan, respect for order, they decided to go downtown on foot or in buses because they have seen the barriers that block pointed to newly found free of any type of control, lines of cars speeding on Put, vans and most polluting types of vehicles running quietly in the center ... The law-abiding citizens, in addition to the damage of air pollution that, just within hours of the block, has no sign of diminishing, have also suffered the insult of having to comply with a provision that would apply to everyone.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

1998 Ford E350 Brake Lines

I dubbi sul recupero delle Officine ex-Scardellato.

Urban Tool Implementation of private initiative called "Yards" in places Stiore (area ex-Scardellato) adopted by Municipal Council Resolution No. 416 of 03.11.2010 has several controversial aspects that must be addressed during the approval process of the project.

1. Unsolved problems in the definition of the intervention.
not defined the nature intervention, but was clearly a private initiative aimed at a legitimate profit of who is doing, it must not be granted any exception to urban standards as laid down in terms of "public" there is no reason to believe that the positive aspects of the initiative are significantly higher than negative ones.
2. Subsoil.
We monitored more accurate over the whole area since the first three feet below the surface there is landfill, unsuitable to support the weight of large structures, primarily the silo-up over 20 parking meters.
3. Pollutants.
require the submission of a new series of surveys on the presence of pollutants underground, in a way (number and depth of sampling points, repetition at different times) to ensure a thorough analysis of the presence of pollutants that has already resulted in the recent past to a joint survey City, Province and Arpav.
The surveys should give definite answers on the presence of pollutants in soil and groundwater that may be provided for proper drainage before starting work.
4. The water balance.
Since the city is no need to contribute to the reorganization hydrogeological increasing the discharge capacity of the territory, we propose that the draft be amended so as to ensure not only the hydraulic invariance but to improve the absorption capacity of the object of the action, providing a reservoir volume for collecting precipirazioni widely than is necessary for the simple compensation.
5. The assessment of environmental impact.
also request to review the environmental impact assessment in relation to the results of the latest drilling for possible alterations of the water cycle and the pollutants that eventually would affect the course of Sile.
6. The parking spaces and green.
Porponiamo It requires, therefore, to revise the design of green, increasing the surface (in the project are expected 190 meters of green area of \u200b\u200bover 18,000 of the project area), reducing the share of public parking in the silos and reallocated to private so as to guarantee the standards of parking in spite of an increase in the designated area for green.
7. The area to the shopping destination.
It is proposed to be indicated in the definition of a commercial size limit for each structure, the number of facilities provided and to exclude the cumulation of licenses in the hands of the same person or related persons to avoid the settlement of large structures favoring as that of traditional businesses.
8. The problems of traffic circulation.
Since the complex will bring additional traffic on Noalese in downtown San Jose and that this increase is not supportable by the district already polluted and dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists ask to be given immediate commencement of the design and implementation of the doubling in Noalese 'Trevisoservizi area to allow it results already achieved and will be used when you have finished building the office complex, commercial and craft covered by the USA whose viability may be connected to the riser itself.