Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Make Boat Out Aluminium Foil

Blocco del traffico due mesi dopo. Risultati? Controlli? Multe?

Almost two months since the application of so-called "anti-smog measures" we can begin to wonder whether the interventions are beginning to produce some kind of effect.
We wonder, therefore, if the city administration has made some sort of verification on the impact of (partial) blocking traffic in the city on 'air pollution.
We wonder, too, since moving to the city at any time of day vehicles of all types and of all the "old" if it is done a few checks on the fulfillment of such vehicles in the ordinance that prohibits access to the city from Monday to Friday from 8 am to 12 and from 16 to 20 hours for petrol vehicles do not meet the Euro 2 and subsequent directives (ie vehicles registered before January 1, 1997 generally and the "light commercial vehicles" before October 1, 1998), for diesel vehicles do not comply with the EURO 3 and later (ie vehicles registered generally Since January 1, 2001) for motorcycles and mopeds and two-stroke do not comply with the EURO 1 and later.
We fear, once again, that so-called "Anti-smog measures" have declared that more effective.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hérnia Petit - Fotos

Liceo Musicale al Pio X: che fine farà il Manzato?

With the opening of the Pius X High School Musical will greatly reduce the space activities of the Institute of Musical Manzato, as the bishop of the college will be the only high school musical to address in the province of Treviso, enhanced by the Steffani Conservatory in Castelfranco Veneto.
The risk in the margin of the beef, now a risk that this support has long been feared by Giampaolo Sbarra who has fought for ten years because the music institute in Piazza San Francesco was fully inserted in the school system, proprio grazie ad un accordo con il conservatorio che ne valorizzasse il ruolo.
L’ipotesi era proprio quella della trasformazione della trasformazione dell’istituto in un liceo musicale, ipotesi oggi preclusa dall’accordo raggiunto tra Pio X e conservatorio, con due conseguenze negative per la città.
In primo luogo il Manzato non potrà più aspirare ad essere il principale punto di accesso al conservatorio che dovrà, invece, favorire l’ingresso di chi ha seguito i corsi del liceo musicale.
In secondo luogo, un’altra struttura culturale e formativa di prestigio in città viene aperta non dagli enti pubblici ma da una istituzione privata che sottrae ulteriore spazio alla già ectoplasmatica presenza the municipal administration in the cultural sector.
made even more serious the failure is the fact that for decades the plight of beef and written off by the City and County with injections of tens of thousands of euro each year, although the Board of Auditors of the institute sought to have it closed precisely because of budget deficits.
Nor can say that the alternative proposals because they lacked those Giampaolo Sbarra were concrete and practicable, they would need only the political decision of the municipal administration, a decision that never came, an inability to make choices appropriate to us today over the marginalization of an institution which has been in the past of prestige for the city.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Extraction Of Oil From Thulasi Leaves

Il doppio incarico dell'assessore Bastianetto.

over two years we, along with the opposition in the Municipal Council, which Councillor Bastianetto leave the post of representative of minorities Board of the City of Treviso in the Council of The Regional Natural Park River Sile.
Despite repeated interventions, the assessor does not seem willing to leave a position he obtained with the Municipal Council was a member of the minority, despite the fact that his appointment as commissioner has clearly dropped his capacity as representative of the opposition.
In our view, inter alia, there may have been a conflict of interest in the deliberations by which the Town Council of Treviso (to which it belongs Bastianetto) has allocated a sum of € 10,000 for the Park (which the Council is part of the same Bastianetto). If it had occurred a conflict of interest could be called into question the validity of the resolutions, resulting in loss of revenue for the city.
The question can be summarized as follows.
1. The Municipality of Treviso is included in the Regional Natural Park of the River Sile Treviso and the City Council shall elect every five years, three representatives in the Council of The Regional Natural Park of the Sile River.
2. With Resolution No. 67/07 of 14 September 2007, the city council of Treviso has designated from among its representatives in the Council of The Regional Natural Park of the Sile River Dr. Stephen Bastianetto cover which is still charging.
3. On May 14, 2008 Dr. Stephen Bastianetto was appointed councilor of Treviso, a position he still holds.
4. On April 1, 2009, by Resolution No. 112/09, the town council of Treviso has resolved to approve a scheme of agreement between the City of Treviso Ente Parco del Sile for the preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment
necessary for continuing the preparation of the variant Adjustment to PRG varianti di Settore del Parco Naturale Regionale del Fiume Sile ed a tale scopo ha stanziato una somma massima di € 10.000 da versare all’Ente Parco Naturale Regionale del Fiume Sile entro marzo 2010.
5. Il termine previsto per la redazione della Valutazione di Incidenza Ambientale è stato successivamente prorogato dalla Giunta con la delibera n. 324/09 del 23 settembre 2009.
6. Da quanto si deduce dai verbali delle deliberazioni, ad entrambe le riunioni di Giunta citate era presente l’assessore Dott. Stefano Bastianetto, che avrebbe partecipato al voto sulle citate delibere ed espresso voto ad esse favorevole.
7. L’assessore Dott. Stefano Bastianetto appare in una posizione di conflitto di interessi nell’esame e nel vote on the resolutions mentioned as member of the Board is a recipient of the appropriations decided by the City Council of which he is part.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How To Play Online Games Using C Proxcy

The draft of the pedestrian historical center and the phoenix ...

The phoenix (the one "that everyone tells you is, no one knows where it is) is well understood in our city from a variety of public works, qulle so for years or decades does not work began (Selvana pool, parking former skating rink) or for which no completion in sight or the ability to use it (the ring road from junctions in the public parking Sant'Angelo former icebox door Carlo Alberto ). But the definition
fit is even more for the pedestrian on the old town where the mayor, deputy mayor and aldermen say, collide without that there will not approve a project to pool closure to traffic of the city's medieval streets, strengthening of public transport, park and all 'outside the walls ... The move came in
of the project was postponed again, until next year or next spring because the junta and the majority are divided on the issue and have not yet taken a clear political decision and the final closure of the city center to cars.
Meanwhile, the old town is empty of public and private management functions that are ex-Appiah and business che si concentrano nei centri commerciali fuori città. I commercianti e gli esercenti pubblici che sono rimasti soffrono un calo continuo di clientela e i conti delle loro attività sono sempre più negativi.
La pedonalizzazione potrebbe essere uno degli strumenti per il rilancio del centro storico perché offrirebbe la possibilità di frequentare le vie centrali della città senza essere continuamente sfiorati da automezzi e motocicli e senza essere immersi nello smog.
Ma la pedonalizzazione è appunto "l'araba fenice di Treviso"...

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Shingles Communication

Changes ... A flash

With this post I think anyone should happen on this blog that you can visit my site complete and updated (as often as possible) on . I thank all readers who have followed in recent years these pages and do See you soon.

Segnalo other blogs and sites that remain active: the blog of my first book published. Will be updated only if the news! , the blog of my first comics. , the blog of my legendary aphorisms :-). , the site of the publishing house that I'm putting up.

A big kiss to all and see you soon!
Ps: The picture is of Edward Hopper, an American painter that I love!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Pokemon Crystal Gameshark

So many promises and little action, St. Joseph abandoned by the City!

Sono passati ormai più di otto mesi da quando l’amministrazione comunale (Sindaco, Giunta e maggioranza) ha annunciato the local press that the problems of St. Joseph's days were numbered.
The new "super-committee" (consisting of public institutions and private companies interested in new buildings) would solve the issues of traffic and pollution that you make every day more unbearable for the neighborhood: the doubling of Noalese Stiore from the ring road passing Services for the Treviso area seemed at hand.
After six months it did not happen anything: the "super-committee" had disappeared from the scene, the "new Noalese" there is no trace, and while cars and trucks continue to invade Noalese at any hour of the day, bringing pollution air pollution and danger to pedestrians and cyclists. The inhabitants of
via Boiago were forced to sign a petition to the council to try to get the lighting, the Traffic Calming and pedestrian trail that would make it less dangerous road where some of a growing number of motorists who want to avoid the queues on Noalese.

What happened to the promises of February? Where did the "super-committee" and the solutions that were guaranteed to be imminent?
We are convinced that, in fact, St. Joseph is too many years by the municipal district abandoned, like so many other areas of the periphery.
So many promises and little action, this is the truth!

Friday, October 29, 2010

What Is The Meaning Of Shag Bands

Ex-court "the Mess", the Risk, the Foundation.

The resolution of the Board's 2008 approval of the property at Rising City, Province and Foundation Cassamarca expected to change the intended use of ex-court, ex-magistrate, ex-prisoners need an opinion of the Superintendence which then find expression again in the examination of the rehabilitation projects.
Of this opinion there is no sign of change in the resolution of the intended use of the complex in December of 2009, the resolution was then withdrawn as a result of our extraordinary appeal to the Head of State. But there is no trace of opinion even in the resolution 14 July 2010 with the amendment of the intended use was repeated after removal of the previous resolution.
After hasty statements in the municipal council on Wednesday: "The opinion is there but do not have one here," it seems that the opinion of the Superintendent with the change of use of the three buildings there is not really.
Majority Government and are busy at this time groped to find a way out of the impasse formally: it is excluded, however, that they leave with dignity seen what has happened in these twelve months.
The process of change in urban destination of the complex, in fact, was from the beginning messed up, since - in December last year - has used a national law being rejected by the Constitutional Court of speeding.
The Court's ruling and our subsequent use of forced to abandon this first resolution and to present it again in July, supported by regional legislation enacted in the meantime, but even here, as we have seen, the resolution is far from unassailable.
The absence of the opinion of the Superintendent and the direct transfer to the Foundation will continue to do battle with all the tools at our disposal because the issue is not only to formal requirements of the resolutions, but it is a political issue.
This fact is also the time to reiterate the two reasons why Another Treviso to intervene repeatedly for the approval of the sale to the Foundation Cassamarca complex of Piazza Duomo.
1) Our political struggle is aimed at maintaining the function of public buildings of Piazza Duomo, is against privatization because we want their strategic area of \u200b\u200bthe center continues to be serving the city, housing facilities for young people, the 'associations, culture, social and political initiatives.
If we turned to the administrative judiciary (and do it again if necessary) or if we look to the Court of Auditors (in the absence della gara d’asta per scegliere l’acquirente del complesso) è solo perché la maggioranza che governa il Comune è sorda ad ogni tipo di proposta alternativa, è indisponibile al confronto democratico: non ci resta, quindi, che utilizzare gli strumenti offerti dalla giustizia per ottenere l'obiettivo che ci prefiggiamo, quello di evitare che anche il complesso immobiliare di piazza Duomo sia vittima di una speculazione edilizia.
2) Con questa battaglia vogliamo anche segnalare una volta di più ai cittadini che, al di là di schermaglie verbali e cortine fumogene varie, l’amministrazione comunale continua a cedere a Fondazione Cassamarca “pezzi” importanti della città e, di fatto, a consegnarle choices about the future of the entire old town and Treviso. From San Leonardo
former district, theaters, ex-Appiah, the Foundation and the City has decided merely to obey the orders of De Poli, ratified major changes to the draft without any influence on the project City Foundation, giving up one of its express, resigning all'inanità strategic choices for Treviso.
And this is perhaps the most important plan of the battle, because it brings into question the agreement ten years on "partition" of the city government: the City drains to put on and take off benches (and now an office with window to the square of the former in exchange Singoria court), the Foundation of strategic decisions and major projects.
We try to stop them on the line of the former court.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What Happens When Your Period Is Black

demolished the buildings in the field of wind power.

During the past few weeks have been razed buildings in the changing rooms of the former sports field of wind energy, over the fence of the shooting sports facility that served Selvana and Santa Maria del Rovere.
was certainly necessary to bring down the high fence of the field where the poles bent and damaged in danger of falling into the road injuring people or damaging things, but does not convince us all instead of demolishing the building of the locker room that had no problems structural.
The reason given is that the building served as a shelter during the night to a few homeless people and we do not think this is a great motivation in a city that has only four beds for people in need and whose municipal government is not the slightest intention to increase the number of housing to meet the emergency housing.
If the reasons for the demolition creates us, then, a certain sadness, even the way it convince us.
The destruction of the building, in fact, represents a reduction of real estate assets of the City (owner of the field) and we believe that should have been decided - as it happened in the past in similar cases - by the City Council.

Reduce municipal assets - for whatever reason - can not be an almost random ("we saw that there were also demolished the locker room," said the commissioner of Public Works), but a choice must be reasoned and transparent.
's not a matter of form but of substance as property of the City are "owned" by all citizens (and not at the mercy of the directors in office) and their destruction must be justified by objectives not otherwise reach.
There is, however, that the decision was taken even with a resolution of the City Council and we wonder, then, if we had never made an impact to the City to be held responsible who is legally responsible for the operation of demolition.
There were even emergency reasons (risk of collapse of building, danger to persons due to falling pieces of wall or roof) that would have justified an intervention in a short time and manner "hasty" the stripped, in fact, were still in good condition, can not fall on anyone.
await the explanations of the case by the local authority to assess the correctness of what happened last week in the field of wind energy which is was decreed the end without you even know what is the future destiny of the area.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Films On Tv With External Harddrive

Too much trouble on the track of the completion of the highway.

The obvious inadequacy of the route for the bypass project in the fourth batch of Treviso (near the building of houses away, at grade and not in the trenches, with an absurd roundabout on graft Feltrina) are not the result of destiny "cynical and cheat, but net errors and neglect of municipal administrators, provincial and regional authorities through whose hands passed the draft in recent years, variants of urban planning, impact studies.

1) The maps obsolete. Veneto Roads would prepare projects based on maps superat over which they appear, for example, two blocks of houses away and who would be the by-pass a short distance. It 'possible that in ten years the council has decided to update the maps on which he was working Veneto roads to avoid what happened instead is on time and that is that the project (which seems increasingly difficult to change) is difficult to reconcile with the real structure of the residence?

2) The City dell'Iperlando expansion. Having provided the general variant of the PRG in 2001, the engagement ring on the fourth batch of Feltrina dell'Iperlando height in subsequent years (near del 2000) ha concesso l’ampliamento della superficie di vendita prima a 1776 metri quadrati e poi a 2.500 metri quadrati. Non risulta che sia stata fatta alcuna valutazione di impatto degli ampliamenti non solo sulla viabilità esistente, ma soprattutto dei loro effetti in previsione appunto del nuovo innesto sul quarto lotto della tangenziale.

3) E’ stata fatta qualche valutazione sull’impatto che avrà sulla tangenziale la realizzazione della Pedemontana? L’uscita dalla Pedemontana a Montebelluna scaricherà con ogni probabilità un consistente volume di traffico diretto dalle zone del vicentino e del bassanese a Treviso ed ancora più a Sud. E’ stato studiato l’impatto che questo nuovo carico di traffic will have on the fourth batch of the freeway, at its connection with the Feltrina and possibly also the crossing of Stiore? Or we will work with that, just realized, will face an unexpected (but unpredictable) traffic?

4) Got Pietrobon (mayor and town administrator Veneto Strade Denno displacement of the fourth batch from the territory of a country to Treviso? Versions of the project prior to that recently presented by Veneto Roads three miles of completed highway Feltrina went mainly to the territory of the municipality of the country. The current draft, however, develops in 95% of what the City of Treviso with all the problems this poses for the districts of Santa Bona Monigo and, starting away from houses.
With this choice may have to do the League's current mayor Francesco Pietrobon country which in recent years is also a member of the Board of Veneto Roads? With the modification of the project, in fact, would get twice the result of its territory to relieve the City from the traffic that now out of the ring road and the Castellana lies on the streets of the country (and is already a big advantage) but also to avoid ' "invasion" of the completion of the bypass, avoiding the City's land use, air pollution and adverse effects on viability and residence
The sleight of "League of control and government" continues and becomes more and more reckless! Known to govern the League and PDL for years and years in the Municipality, Province and Region, Zaia was president as a Baptist and now rules the Veneto, but it was also in town councilor, Gobbo is the Mayor of Treviso, but does not hesitate to adopt diktat for all administrators leaguers Veneto, Muraro is president and vice president of the Province of Veneto Strade ...
Despite this accumulation of charges variously distributed over time and the apparent shared responsibility (each from the same seat, even if it changed over time) than the draft of the fourth batch of the tangential the League have the courage to download the one on the responsibilities of a path that could create more problems than it solves.
Mayor of Treviso and chairman of the Planning Commission of the capital, Mayor of the country, President of the Province and the military region in the same party, but - obviously - do not communicate ... You do not update each other on the maps, the urban variants, on the progress of the projects to which everyone is interested!
And Trevisani should believe?

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Good Moisturizing Lotions To Face

holes on the ground or holes in the water "?

We want to bring to the attention of Trevisani three events that, despite their different for other reasons, are joined by three projects of holes on the ground "that, until now, have proved to be" holes in the water "!

The park underground in Victoria Square. For almost a decade since the project, the process of the underground park in Victoria Square (immediately rejected by residents because of concern for the surrounding buildings in the implementation phase and will bring traffic and pollution created once and used) seems to be a dead end. The prospects of the old town pedestrian or sanctioned the futility, but the council still has not abandoned the project. Among the difficulties reported
realization, among other things, there just related to the presence in the underground water table which would interfere heavily with the excavation, making it probably the realization of the underground park much more complicated, time consuming and expensive than expected. The pool of

Selvana. In this case it is a project born in the early 90s and for which the City has contracted (and is paying) a mortgage even if the pool was not yet placed a single stone.
Various projects, various contracts, but the construction does not start, to the delight of residents who for years have reported poor choice of site, both in terms of transport that environmentally, as is the edge of an area prized by the naturalistic point of view.
Again, the presence of groundwater in the immediate subsurface has led to considerable problems of construction on the first attempt was abandoned by the company that had won the tender. The underground parking

former skating rink. This is also a project out of date and blocked by the Superintendent that (given the presence of archaeological remains in the ground to be protected) granted single-storey basement car parking over three levels granted by the City to Cassamarca Foundation (which was to achieve some of the parking as a standard of urban restructuring of San Leonardo).

The parking lot has not yet been realized, however, Trevisani, particularly children and young people, have lost many years the opportunity to use the skating rink, sports arena in less than another in a city where public facilities do not abound. How much to

Trevisani these failures? E 'is the question we address to the citizens and the municipal administration because we want to know what are the costs already incurred by the municipality (and citizens) for these "phantom public works": design costs, mortgage interest, expertise ...
But we also know how important are these missing works on the shortage of facilities sports in the city and the huge delays in the historic center of the pedestrian that is in stark contrast to the former underground park-skating rink and plaza Victoria.
It 'clear that the fact that it still "dancing" these two car parks has helped to keep away for years, the municipal government assumption of the medieval city pedestrian, pedestrian who needs to park outside the walls of heat exchangers and not underground silos in the center or near the walls.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Happy Birthday In Egyptian Arabic

Public transportation: the company with unique properties without increased costs for citizen-users.

The local press reported the news that ACTT had decided to hive off their housing stock to give the company unique in the future of local public transport in the province of Treviso, only vehicles and personnel.
This is the confirmation of a hypothesis that had already been made in recent months for ATM and CTM, and that is obviously the solution to the problem of the difference between capital La Marca (who does not own the buildings in which it operates) and the three companies towns of Treviso, Castelfranco Veneto and instead have a substantial real estate assets. ACTT
separating the buildings, ATM and CTM is weakened and becomes the subject stronger brand that can be assigned to lead the new company, as the president wants Muraro.
The question, however, has two effects far from negligible in terms of higher costs for citizens and users of public transport.

1) In addition to the new board and new management structure of the 'company only' life would remain in administrative bodies and administrative structures of the old (albeit scaled) old society: why the public ( who are the shareholders last, by provinces and municipalities, both the old and the new company) should "pay twice" the prebend of board members and the costs of bureaucratic and administrative structures?

2) The new company will operate on property granted locazione dalle vecchie società ("ridotte" ad immobiliari) e dovrà pagare degli affitti a prezzo di mercato per questo utilizzo, oppure dovrà acquistare edifici ed officine, sempre a prezzi di mercato. Le vecchie società faranno utili sugli immobili di proprietà e l'"azienda unica" avrà maggiori costi perché dovrà pagare affitti che le vecchie società non pagavano.

In buona sostanza, per i cittadini-utenti non ci sarà nessun vantaggio economico da questa "doppia gestione", anzi ci sarà un aumento del costo del trasporto pubblico (che significherà tagli alle linee o zumento delle tariffe), un aumento di costi che i cittadini della Marca dovranno pagare per questo gioco di "scatole Chinese "that does not include the economic and financial reasons.

Or rather, it is understood that the common owners of the last" real estate companies "ex-transport companies ACTT, ATM, CTM. get the profits from these companies (under rents paid to them by the new company only) and can do what they want this money because they will not be bound to use them to finance the local public transport.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Life Like Spa Games Online

Requests unheard of residents via Benard, by Mauro, via Pulieri.

driveway lighting, sidewalks do not exist, roadways full of potholes, drains filled with debris, lack of sanitation: this is the situation in via Benard, by Mauro, Pulieri way, lining the streets Feltrina a few hundred meters from the crossing of Stiore.
Residents feel ignored because since 2007 the City require the installation of public (and to make the streets less dangerous for those who take transit, you open discourage petty crime), the installation of speed bumps, the connection to sewers and major repairs that make the roads passable without danger to pedestrians and cyclists.
The years have passed through your local letters, collected signatures and responses which ensured the implementation of public as early as 2009 (the Stability Pact permitting).
In fact, the only achievement was the installation of a mirror at a particularly dangerous intersection and residents who wanted a decent stretch of road in front of his house had to provide at his own expense all'asfaltatura.
Even the garbage bins along the streets have a suitable location and many times end up in the street, dirt and getting in the transit.
For residents in the area, we have asked these days, it sounds like a joke work riposatura of porphyry in the old town in recent years because they confirm what had already started to think, for the municipal government has put much more the "paint" to the Centre not to respond to more serious problems in the streets of the suburbs. But it sounds
mocking the entire appropriation drum swing for the new car park rugby stadium, a work certainly less urgent and more costly and repeatedly requested the work needed in many areas of the suburbs.
The actions proposed by the residents in the neighborhoods outside the walls certainly do not require large investments, but the council - as support for some time - has always preferred to make public works more visible, although not essential, just think of the renovation of the square Santa Maria del Rovere, enlargement of Sovernigo or via the expected path of Cornaino.
It 'obvious that, to respond to the residents via Benard, by Mauro, via Pulieri (like those of many other neglected areas of the suburbs), it is necessary that the municipal administration radically changes the priorities public works, focusing on the need for mobility, safety and livability of neighborhoods.
must leave, however, the public works that are requested by any director or advisor to the Municipal League's visibility and search for consensus at the expense of the most urgent needs of neighborhoods that have no "noble fathers" in the Municipality.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Getting A Private Striper Dance

Celtic League: only asphalt (and maybe tomorrow condominiums). Bike sharing

For the municipal administration of the participation of Benetton Treviso Rugby Celtic League means the only asphalt, what is turning into another parking area of \u200b\u200bthe city green, that between the stage and the district of San Paul, so far After escaping the overbuilding.
The tournament could (and should) be a chance to renew an offer tourist town that is (data on admissions to the hand) weaker than the rest of the province. Enhancement of the national artistic heritage, promotion of food and wine, provision of "packages" that combine hotel accommodation, catering and tourism culture: the city government could be pivotal for an initiative of this kind, involving trade associations, retailers, restaurateurs and cultural associations.
In the five months that have passed the entrance to the Benetton Rugby Celtic League in the first administration has angrily refused to take responsibility for any action ("If they occupy the private" ruled the mayor), then convened a meeting in the Province outputs from which are vague ideas about the "tourist menu" and little else.
concrete is only the removal of the green and turn it into parking, rightly challenged by the residents of St. Paul that you see "snatch" thousands of square feet of lawn.
And if the car is useless during four years of the event or after it ended? Have compromised the green area will be a good excuse to turn it into a building site! After the asphalt concrete will come of yet another residential-commercial-office?
When you say that sport helps the economy!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Laser Broken Capillary Prices

without bicycle lanes?

Where will users of the "bike sharing" in a city that has no real cycling?
In our city, "cycle track" means, in most cases, a strip of white paint that marks part of the roadway designed theoretically use esclusivo dei ciclisti, senza alcuna separazione dalla corsia destinata alle automobili, senza alcuna protezione, quindi senza nessuna sicurezza per chi la percorre in bicicletta.
La mancanza di separazione fisica dallo spazio riservato alle automobili, inoltre, molte volte trasforma la cosiddetta ‘pista ciclabile’ in una corsia di parcheggio: a causa della scorrettezza degli automobilisti, certo, ma senza che ci sia nessun ostacolo contro il verificarsi di questa scorrettezza.
In alcuni casi si raggiunge la soglia del ridicolo, con le piste ciclabili che,come in Via Roma, hanno un palo della luce proprio al centro.
E’ evidente che queste piste ciclabili sono finte, percorribili dai ciclisti, in molti casi, solo a their own risk: Announcement biciplan "(a network of cycle paths throughout the city) has already been lost in some" Port of Shadows "Ca 'Sugana!
In recent years, in fact, Treviso has lost its characteristic of cities for mountain bikers and pedestrians and has become a unique city-sized car, with all the risks and inconvenience that this causes, particularly for children and elderly.
Crossing the city by bike has become very long because it forces a tortuous paths, many are discouraged from using the bicycle, and others are encouraged to walk the streets and roads in the sense forbidden by increasing ulteriormente la pericolosità dell’utilizzo della bici.
E’ assurdo che una amministrazione che vuole a tutti i costi realizzare il velodromo in città e che inaugura il servizio di “bike sharing” non abbia pensato prima di tutto a favorire l’utilizzo della bicicletta nella vita quotidiana dei cittadini, ma è esattamente ciò che è accaduto a Treviso.
In via Carlo Alberto, ad esempio la pista è sempre meno delimitata fino a scomparire del tutto vicino alla chiesa di Santa Maria Maggiore. Particolarmente pericolose per i ciclisti sono via Santa Bona Vecchia e viale Europa e nell’intera periferia il transito in bicicletta non è certo consigliabile ai bambini o agli anziani.
Un altro problema for cyclists by crossing the PUT is controlled by traffic lights, forcing long waits cyclists, pedestrians as well.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Best Value Wireless Printer

Unnecessary supervision of bins.

The tenacity with which Trevisoservizi still thinks it can solve the problems of "malutilizzo" of rubbish bins with measures of "supervision" could only smile if it were not the indicator of improper design, anachronistic of city government, a view shared by former municipal town government. Before the
"ecovigili" within the company to refuse, now the "vigilantes" of an association esterna, tutti impegnati a controllare che i trevisani conferiscano la spazzatura adeguatamente differenziata e che non abbandonino sacchi ed oggetti ingombranti accanto ai cassonetti e che i residenti nei comuni limitrofi non utilizzino bidoni e campane del capoluogo per sfuggire alla tariffa puntuale applicata nei loro comuni di residenza.
E’ evidente, a nostro avviso, che la concezione del “controllo e multa” è assolutamente inadeguata, anacronistica di fronte a comportamenti sociali che sono mossi da convenienze economiche: non capirlo (e preferire la logica del “io comando, tu obbedisci o ti multo”) significa non disporre degli strumenti culturali per governare una città del nostro tempo. Analoga valutazione si can do for the non-use of heat exchangers park outside the walls: if you use them and get to the center by bus you spend more and more time is needed to park in the center, how can we expect motorists to choose from Negro or Miani? Specifically
of "dual supervision bins" the introduction of the collection "door to door" of waste is the only way to really increase the quantity and quality of waste separation emerging from the houses of Trevisani. And it is also 'only way to end the' tourism scoasse 'residents of other municipalities that dump garbage bins in the capital.
The 'door to door', it allows you to charge every citizen on the basis of non-recyclable solid waste produced, just as, for example, in the municipalities of the Consortium Priula. By applying the rate based on the amount of waste produced by each household will stimulate people to increase waste separation, because the share of the collection of recyclable materials do not implement the TIA.
data collection in consortia Treviso Treviso 2 and 3 show clearly that the cost of waste disposal is decreased in proportion to the increase of recycling and, consequently, also decreases the bill for the citizens. The 'door to door' also allows you to enjoy a markedly better because of recycling bins ends up in a bit 'of everything, much more than in the bins of the homes or condominiums. To the economic benefit to citizens and the City plus the greater
environmental sustainability by reducing consumption of energy and raw materials Legatia increase the amount of recycled materials.
steps to collect door to door "and charging on the basis of non-recyclable waste produced by the user is, however, the real policy choices that would conflict with what in recent years the City and Trevisoservizi made by investing in resources and facilities aimed at raising through dumpsters. The problem of the resources needed for transition to the "door to door" is linked precisely to these choices that have led to heavy use of public money: the City, in fact, has repeatedly recapitalized Trevisoservizi that otherwise would not survive long.
To improve the service you need to disappear Trevisoservizi, the company that operates a catchment area too small to be really efficient in economic terms, while Treviso should enter into a consortium for the disposal of waste, consortiums, as the province of Treviso are to primi posti a livello nazionale per aumento della raccolta di materiali riciclabili.
Si potrebbe obiettare che i cittadini dovrebbero differenziare di più e meglio i rifiuti per sensibilità ambientale, ma non è certo su questo che può fare leva una amministrazione comunale che da 15 anni si distingue per tutto meno che per la ricerca della sostenibilità ambientale, con le cementificazioni senza limiti di aree verdi, l’abbattimento di alberi, la mancanza di provvedimenti contro l’inquinamento atmosferico alle stelle...

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Renewing Tn Driver's License & Cost

Onigo Palace: De Poli returns empty to the City.

Dopo 10 anni in cui non è riuscito a farne niente e non ha investito sulla sua ristrutturazione, la Fondazione Cassamarca restituisce al Comune Palazzo Onigo, più o meno come si restituisce un “vuoto” inutilizzabile!
Nell’ambito dei rapporti di sudditanza del Comune verso la Fondazione, la questione si presta ad un paio di valutazioni.
La Fondazione, in primo luogo, è disponibile ad utilizzare le proprie (attualmente scarse) risorse per il recupero di Palazzo Onigo.
La stessa fondazione, però sarebbe intenzionata ad effettuare investimenti molto più cospicui per la trasformazione degli immobili del complesso immobiliare di piazza Duomo costituito dall’ex-tribunale, dalle ex-carceri, dall’ex-sede del giudice conciliatore e dall’ex-comando della polizia municipale.
Il complesso, infatti, è in fase di cessione by the City to the foundation part of the "Rising real estate" that also involves the province.
right, then, those who argue that the foundation is available for transactions and speculative building but not to recovery of the architectural heritage of the city to be allocated to public services and cultural?
The City, on the other hand, seems ready as soon as it has received, to make the real estate market Onigo Palace in order to gain a few million euro, but finally lost to the civil community trevisana another piece of his estate, after the many have already been sold in recent years.
Any thoughts on what he knows) sul possibile utilizzo del prestigioso immobile (già sede delle associazioni e che ospitava una sala riunioni), nessun tentativo di coinvolgere altri partners (pubblici o privati) per restituire Palazzo Onigo alla città con una funzione culturale o sociale.
La sorte sarebbe già decisa: un altro pezzo di privatizzazione del centro storico è pronto per essere avviato.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Insert The Adaptor C Into Whippet

The municipal sewage treatment plant needs a special maintenance.

L’area di ingresso della rete fognante e dell’impianto di smaltimento dei bottini del depuratore comunale continua ad emanare – durante le fasi di lavorazione – odori nauseabondi che accompagnano chi passeggia lungo il Sile, solo perché l’amministrazione comunale non ha voluto invest the modest sum needed to build the station's coverage booties, a solution often recommended by the technicians.
The state of poor maintenance of various components of municipal sewage is clearly visible to those that come in via Pavese.
The green is not treated, the plants are rusting, the workplace as well as degraded very dirty, there is no sign of the necessary facilities or adequate signage for the safety of the workplace.
In nine years there was almost no spending the extra maintenance of the system, nor about the building works or those of electromechanical equipment. All interventions were necessary for plant adaptation or implementation of new sections (see cogenerator) or, specifically regarding the MSW, the transition from demonstration plant for industrial use.
the upgrades and replacement machines were very small, which total approximately € 250,000, spread over nine years, meaning about 30,000 € a year, a figure clearly inadequate for a system on which, in the same period, invested over € 6,000,000 of the new plant.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

How Early To Wax Before Vacation

Maintenance of the green.

For years, environmentalists and many citizens are asking members to the municipal administration of Treviso and its "operational arm" Trevisoservizi di aumentare la quantità e migliorare la qualità del servizio di manutenzione del verde pubblico, in particolare di cura e di potatura degli alberi.
Da anni ci chiediamo se non sarebbe stato possibile spendere meglio il milione e settecentomila euro pagati ogni anno dal Comune a Treviso Servizi per la manutenzione del verde pubblico. Ci chiediamo se gli oltre dipendenti della Treviso Servizi che si occupano proprio di verde pubblico in città non potrebbero allargare il loro raggio d’azione a tutte le vie cittadine e non solo a quelle abitualmente seguite.
Tra l’altro numerose esperienze di altre città dimostrano come sia possibile rendere compatibili le esigenze delle persone con l’esistenza di alberi che ombreggiano le vie, produce oxygen and protect against dust.
With proper maintenance of the trees will prevent not only that we are overloading the stems and branches ready to fall to the strong wind but the trees that cover signs or lights in public, that the fallen leaves filling up the drain, that arms are too long reach the walls or roofs of the houses ... So it becomes easier to avoid cutting trees because they "bother" or because damage to buildings.
Regulation of public parks, with proper maintenance and constant heritage trees, gradual and less invasive interventions when they have problems of compatibility between trees and the urban context: these are the proposals that we make for years, ignored, all’amministrazione cittadini per dare concretezza ad una concezione culturale in cui il verde è al servizio della qualità della vita dei cittadini.
Il rischio, invece, è che – ancora una volta – la mancata manutenzione degli alberi e la caduta di rami e tronchi causata dalla tempesta di qualche giorno fa diventino pretesti per un’altra delle campagne di “abbattimento selvaggio di alberi” a cui siamo ormai abituati.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Is Sorbolene Good For Masterbation

Local public health unit warns risks to biological agents in the field of professional cleaning.

Local Health Authority of Section H of Rome issued a document entitled "risk from biological agents in the polish companies" Consolidated Safety Legislative Decree 81/08, Title X , where are treated risks to biological agents in the field of professional cleaning .

The the biologic agents are microorganisms, cell cultures or human endoparasites which may cause infections , allergies or poisoning .

biological agents are classified according to their hazards (for both workers that for ordinary people) on parameters given by infectivity, transmissibility, pathogenicity and possible neutralizzabilità. The virulence of the agents is understood as the totality of characteristics of infectivity and patogenigicità.

The risks to biological agents in the workplace can be caused by: a deliberate use

  • : activity during which biological agents are deliberately introduced into the work cycle to be processed, handled or processed to exploit its biological properties or deliberately isolated, grown or processed to determine the presence, type and / or quantity in the samples.
  • a potential Exposure activities where you can highlight the presence of biological agents, even at high concentrations, breakthrough but as a fact and not voluntary, lacks the deliberate intent to make them the subject of work.

In cleaning companies exposure to biological agents is type potential: the activities are carried out in very different locations, and operators are not exposed to risks associated specifically with their job, but the situations and environmental hygiene the site where from time to time perform their jobs.

It is therefore extremely important that there is an active collaboration and coordination between the firm of polish and the customer service, particularly in the management of biological risk. The document reminds employers that the risk assessment is also required for activities involving potential exposure, this assessment depends on the mandatory implementation of certain protective and preventive measures:

  • adoption of specific sanitation;
  • specific measures for health care facilities and veterinary health surveillance
  • .

In particular regard to technical measures, organizational and procedural employer:

  • avoid the use of a harmful biological agent if the type of work permits;
  • limited to the minimum risk of workers exposed to biological agents;
  • properly designed work processes through the use of safety devices against accidental exposure;
  • adopt collective measures (or individual if you can not otherwise) of protection;
  • adopt hygienic measures to prevent and minimize the accidental spread of a biological agent out of the workplace;
  • use the biohazard sign;
  • develop appropriate procedures for taking, handling and processing samples of human and animal
  • defines procedures to deal with accidents;
  • verify the presence of biological agents at work;
  • establish the capability for the disposal of waste;
  • agree procedures for handling and transportation of biological agents within and outside the workplace.

The employer is also required to provide workers with information and instructions on:

  • risks to health from biological agents used
  • safety precautions to avoid exposure
  • hygiene measures to be observed
  • the function of protective clothing and of personal di protezione ed il corretto impiego
  • le procedure da seguire per la manipolazione di agenti biologici pericolosi
  • il modo di prevenire gli infortuni e ridurne al minimo le conseguenze

I lavoratori devono ricevere la formazion e prima di intraprendere le attività in questione e devono essere aggiornati con frequenza almeno quinquennale. Nei luoghi di lavoro devono poi essere presenti cartelli che illustrino procedure da seguire in caso di infortunio.

La sorveglianza sanitaria deve tener conto della pericolosità dell’agente e della reale esposizione in relazione agli specifici compiti effettuati” e dei fattori favorenti l’infezione, quali ipersuscettibilità individual or environmental factors that may reduce the skin's immune system and mucous membranes.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Welcome Letters To New Church Members

drawing for Illustration Friday! Course Schedule

Friday, June 25, 2010

Usb Port Monitor Blog

employment crisis, the garrison of Indesit, ongoing work of 'cleaning company

- Brembo ABOVE - The permanent garrison of Indesit Brembate Up coming is also working industries: are the 19 employees of the catering and cleaning company that operated until a few weeks ago in establishment. Through their presence at the gates of the company, from 9.30 to 18, wanted to express the same concern that has often been expressed by more than 400 employees of Indesit.

"From 12 years in Italy - for example, said Balwinder Singh, 35, Indian - and 7 work a company that deals with cleaning the Indesit. The prospects for our employees in this sector are closely linked to the future. I tried looking around but have not been able to find other opportunities. "

"I too am cleaning - said Satnam Singh, 34, of India, in Italy since 2000 - and for now are still as my other colleagues. I have a wife with me and find it hard to get along, especially to pay the rent of the house. Of job applications I have submitted all over the world but it is hard to find another location. "

"I work for Compass Group in charge of meals to ensure Indesit - explains Marialisa Locatelli - But put a stop production at the plant, has blocked the nature of things even our business carried on by a dozen people. Until a few weeks ago it seemed that everything filasse normally and instead came suddenly the news of the closure. "

Monday, April 26, 2010

Southpark - It's The Japanese

economic crisis, the municipality in the province of Varese castronno has little money, he leaves the house cleaning company, the mayor washes the windows of the town

- VARESE - In times of economic hardship, even small gestures, while blatantly made, may be helpful to the budget. E 'with this belief that Big Luciano, Mayor of League Castronno (Varese), decided to save money which is usually a cleaning company called twice a year, and this morning he started to clean himself, alone, the windows of City Hall.

Castronno has less than 5 thousand inhabitants, a railway station, an entrance to the highway A8 Milano-Varese, and those broken and € 5 thousand each year are used to wash the windows, one euro each for every citizen, it is better to serve the social services "and remain in the territory - the mayor said in the green jersey - why I wanted to make this gesture." But this takes off the job to someone: "I know - said the mayor wipers - but it was necessary to give a strong signal."

Castronno social services to account for 700 thousand on an annual budget of € 4.5 million: This year, concluded the Mayor wipers - we had to cut public works and culture. And after? "