Sunday, January 31, 2010

Rollerblading Helps Skiing

nella morsa della crisi economica, bisogna ricordare delle donne delle pulizie, non solo doveri, ma anche diritti

- La Spezia - Italy of Values \u200b\u200bmunicipal coordinator Maurizio Ferraioli Ing. Gennaro Saltalamacchia member of the national coordination involved on the employment of employees of the cleaning companies.
"male and female workers are considered less than nothing, often members in cooperatives where they are subjected at times impossible, for mostly broken and the workplace particularly distant from each other and achieve at their own expense, with the remuneration of the third world, often harassed and subjected to veiled blackmail the border with psychological bullying. Under the same male and female workers are often reminded to be quiet, not to create problems and is used a phrase that creates anxiety but it is the mirror of reality by many underestimated: "You have to be a ghost in the world of work".
Most of them carry out essential functions in hospitals, in public and private offices offering a service essential for proper environmental and health situation.
Many of these are used today, and they conduct their business with companies contracted by Acam, with contracts on a regular basis, creating great anxiety for the maintenance of employment and the achievement of a sufficient number of hours to reach the minimum number of hours working to enable a payment to be still "hungry." Left in utter disarray, without compensation, despite the start of night work schedules are often considered as such, without safeguards and with the obligation to conduct a job often times outside of any schema. To this end we invite Acam and all companies or contracting clients to be constantly vigilant about protecting these workers and workers as still responsible for their use and their just remuneration linked to the national contract category. We also believe that in a city like ours, always attentive to the problems that affect the civil rights of workers, perhaps a greater focus, accountability and sensitivity should be placed above all against those who are often still considered too low in the social scale and not a worker like everyone else. For the unions, although I understand that reasons of membership often leads to underestimation of this category, we require an immediate intervention to protect itself and we see even now ready to provide our political support at national level in parliament, call for our political references . An important appeal the appeal to all the employees! the category for you to possess an understanding that the interest of all is to them and demonstrate our support, our solidarity, but especially our involvement at the forefront of the battles of their rights and civilization.

Interstitial Cystitis Breakthrough 2009

problemi con i contratti per l'azienda che si è aggiudicata l'appalto per il servizio di scuolabus la marsala schola. troppe anomalie e disattenzioni

- MARSALA - for decades the school bus service is operated by outside companies with your local authorities for the use of means "registered" for the city of Marsala.

Since 2008, the service is performed by CSI that Italy has won the last two contracts with a fall on the auction price less than one percent.

The staff has a contract d’inquadramento economico che fa riferimento al CCNL delle imprese di servizi di pulizia integrati/Multiservizi che non potrebbe essere applicato al personale in servizio di scuolabus, ovvero di trasporto pubblico, in quanto il contratto di riferimento prevede :

- Servizi di pulimento, disinfezione, sanificazione, disinfestazione e derattizzazioni;
- Servizi di pulizia;
- Servizi integrati in ambito fieristico;
- Servizi ausiliari in area scolastica;
- Servizi ausiliari del trasporto (assistenza, rimessaggio e piccola manutenzione al trasporto pubblico, autobus, aeromobili, natanti, etc)

Dalla descrizione delle attività previste nel CCNL si evincerebbe che non si applicabile il contratto al personale in servizio “scuolabus” .

E ciò si aggiungerebbe alle irregolarità dovute alla previsione di una sospensione dell’attività lavorativa esclusa per legge e la condizione di una retribuzione rapportata all’effettiva attività lavorativa e non all’accordo orario contrattuale.

Per queste “anomalie” Marsala Schola, invierà alla CSI giuste contestazioni oltre a quelle già inviate , per inadempienza contrattuale. Questo è quanto affermato dalla dr.ssa caterina Adamo, presidente del CdA di Marsala Schola durante la tramissione Sotto la Lente, andata in onda su Canale 2 il 19 gennaio scorso.

E’ strano But as a public body has not been realized in two years of irregularities in the contracts of a company that performs a public service. Who should check? Who will be punished for this blatant "mistake"?

await developments to report but in the meantime there is another anomaly. According to the laws, to be entered on the register of drivers and that under the provisions of article 1 of Legislative Decree 22 December 2000, n. 395, "2. Engaged in the business of road transport haulage for hire or reward the person by means of either vehicle, outside of the case provided for in Article 31 of Law on June 6 1974, no 298, the transfer for consideration of things "and Article 4". 1. The entities referred to in Article 1, paragraph 2, meet the requirements of Articles 5, 6 and 7 are in the register referred to in Article 1 of Law No 298/1974 for the exercise of its activity.

2. The requirements set out in paragraph 1 must be fulfilled at the time of submission of application form in the 'referred to in paragraph 1. The requirement in Article 6, paragraph 1, letter b) must be fulfilled at the time of registration of each additional vehicle or at the time of each update request referred to in Article 94, paragraph 2 of Decree Law No 285/1992, with the exception of transfer of residence.

3. The entities referred to in Article 1, paragraph 3 shall satisfy the requirements of Articles 5, 6 and 7 to obtain a license or other certificate provided for the exercise of its activities'.

4. The requirements of paragraph 3 must be fulfilled at the time of submission of any application for a license or certificate referred to therein. The requirement in Article 6, paragraph 1, letter b) must be fulfilled at the time of registration of each additional vehicle or at the time of each update request referred to in Article 94, paragraph 2 of legislative decree n . 285/1992, with the exception of transfer of residence. "

goes without saying that in order to enroll at the drivers license and the subsequent occupation of road haulier, the company must be "owners of vehicles for which specific permission is granted for public use" and the income of 'company must be "exclusively by a professional driver - art. 5 paragraph 7 "7. The entities referred to in Article 1, paragraphs 2 and 3, must be enrolled in the roles of income tax of individuals or legal persons with regard to business income, or have made the declaration in respect of that income. "

A check at the national register of road hauliers, the CSI contractor Italy by school bus that is activity of "trucking" means beneficial use, not registered. And this is a prerequisite for the exercise of the truck driver.

Finally, to detect a prescription. The means of public service are registered to the company / organization making the request and according to the authentic interpretation of the provisions of the law, must be "used" to the public transport company / entity is owner of the book movement. This

prescrizione imporrebbe l’amministrazione comunale di effettuare il servizio di scuolabus in house, ovvero con proprio personale, oppure appaltare ad una azienda di servizio di autotrasporto che ha autobus propri …

Riferimenti normativi:

D.Lgs. 395/2000 e Regolamento di attuazione D.M. 161/2005,

Decreto Legislativo 22 dicembre 2000, n. 395
“Attuazione della direttiva del Consiglio dell’Unione europea n. 98/76/CE del 1° ottobre 1998, modificativa della direttiva n. 96/26/CE del 29 aprile 1996

Decreto Ministeriale 20 dicembre 1991, n. 448 (in Gazz. Uff., 15 febbraio, n. 38). — Regolamento di attuazione della direttiva del Consiglio the European Communities No 438 of 21 June 1989 amending Council Directive 562 of 12 November 1974 on admission to the occupation of road passenger transport sector in national and international.

DECREE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC June 15, 1959, No 393 (OJ No 147 of 06.23.1959)

Recent Developments In Treatment For Emphysema

lotta contro l'evasione fiscale, risultati operativi importanti per le fiamme gialle di vittorio veneto in provincia di treviso

€ 2.4 million of income not declared in 2009

- VITTORIO VENETO - operating activities Yellow Flames of Vittorio Veneto for the year 2009 ended with important results, which helped to expose many tax evaders. The Vittorio Veneto Brigade work with his men in the towns of Chapel Maggiore, Cison Valmarino, Colle Umberto, Follina Fregona, Miane, Revine Lake, Sarmede, Tarzo and Vittorio Veneto.

The activity of financiers, co-ordinated by the Brigade Commander of Vittorio Veneto But Miconi Felice, focused on small businesses operating in construction and cleaning companies in industries and offices, finding five completely unknown to the tax evaders, operating in complete lawlessness. 107 tax audits performed that showed more than 2.4 million € income undeclared tax evasion of more than € 500 000 and 85 irregular workers and / or black.

740 local businesses subject to verification by the Brigade Vittorio Veneto (32 were found to be illegal for not having the receipt issued), 88 roadside checks carried out; 11 instances to obtain social benefits readily verifiable, and 1 not corresponding to the real economic situation of the household, or 27 checks in bars and casinos that have allowed the seizure of illegal video poker 3, 13 persons reported to the public prosecutor for crimes of fraud and embezzlement as a result of complaints and lawsuits submitted by private citizens.

Can I Shower With My Tiffany And Co

integrazione nel mondo del lavoro, l’orgoglio del popolo rom, non siamo solo ladri e sporchi

- TORINO - ivana has 18 years, attended the institute last year Bosso-Monti, you want to enroll at the University, one year has an Italian boy.
"My boyfriend's family is from Calabria and his mother thought I was Sicilian. I explained that they are Roma. Unfortunately, the injury resists, afraid that I am looking for a "good match". " Ivana is one of the young women who have been 'Idea Rom', an association for women who want to work for true integration in order not to fall on the head of the Roma are often unnecessary and expensive projects that people - especially to those still in camps - not bring benefits. "Idea Roma" also helps people included in the work, to do outing.

"Our people continue to hide, even in jobs where workers for years and is appreciated, dares not mention its origin. The Roma have always been portrayed as dirty, liars and thieves, so it happens that even school children and their mothers do not tell what is their reality, "says Vesna Vulatic, Roma cultural mediator in the early nineties. Vesna, along with ten other young women, gave birth in autumn to 'Idea Roma "in the belief that the time has come groped for something different than what has been done so far. "We went to the Prefecture and we had a good response of interest, we met Councillor for Social Policies of the Province Puglisi and this week we will see the local councilor Borgione. Meanwhile, in October we started a project to promote the integration of children and the training of teachers in schools with the highest concentration of Roma, Leonardo da Vinci to Falchera.

Last Saturday, at the headquarters of the "Clear Regis', the study center on non-violence and intercultural housing association, the women recounted their experiences. All are united from having left the camps years ago - "something that would make most people who still live in camps," says the mediator -, have a job, presented with an image modern, in contrast to the traditional Gypsy woman.

"I want to subscribe to Science Education for work with Roma children," says Ivana. "I've never hidden my roots, since the primary when studying history, there was talk of the Roma people. Usually, through personal knowledge, the effect disappears. But my parents, at work, they have never said. My father wrote a book of poems and a culture for Roma children, but has to hide, can not afford to miss this place. "

Ljubica Vesna and her sister work in a cleaning company, the first in the central registration offices for ten years, the second in a kindergarten. "After eight months of job exchange - says Vesna, who has two children attending a Catholic school - I was hired for an indefinite period." Vesna Vulatic explains: "Unfortunately, in recent years to find work have not gone forward as it did in the days of Ljubica or Vesna. Today, the selection for the bags work even takes into account the 'look', if you're facial features clearly dropped rom six departing. " And speaking of discrimination, "my son - said Ljubica - works in a machine shop, when he obtained Italian citizenship has given up the Serb."

Citizenship awaits you in a few months even Francesca, 17, born and raised here. "For years Falchera to live, before we were to camp dell'Arrivore. I came second only to the media but I'm going to take the license with courses for adults. " Francesca is his young aunt Zana, 21, and Romina, 17. "We left the curriculum in various places," says Zana. "I have already worked in black maid. It is not important the type of work, the important thing is to find. " Zana Romina is that when they talk about themselves, do not ever specify their origin.

"We say 'slave'" says Romina. Speaker Vesna, who with her two daughters. "But even" slave "does not like ... My daughters do not know Serbian, with grandparents non si capiscono. Dopo tanti anni continuiamo a rinnovare il permesso di soggiorno, ma loro sono nate qui. Un giorno saranno cittadine italiane. Spero che quel giorno non siano più considerate straniere».

Pokemon Dawn's Upskirts

crisi fiat, operai dell' indotto ancora sul tetto, non scendiamo senza garanzie per un futuro lavorativo

- TERMINI IMERESE - i tredici operai della Delivery Email, ditta dell'indotto Fiat di Termini Imerese, hanno passato la sesta notte sul tetto del capannone dello stabilimento. Dal primo febbraio i dipendenti dell'impresa saranno licenziati, dopo che il Lingotto ha deciso di non affidare più all'esterno, a partire dal primo febbraio, il servizio di pulizia dei cassoni.

Intanto, a Palermo è appena cominciato un incontro in prefettura tra sindacati, prefetto e rappresentanti Delivery of Email, with the aim of finding a solution to the dispute. But workers warn: "Get off the roof - Bua says Thomas - will be assured only when there is a job. We are here since Tuesday and watch our families down to 300 feet away, feeling helpless. All we can give them is to fight for the right to work ".

The workers, who sleep in sleeping bags, trying to protect themselves under the hoods of the establishment, they do a little umbrella. Today the temperature is still low and a strong wind blows.

Doctor Loo And The Phaleks Rar

school cleaners will be on strike on February 8 against the decision of the Ministry of Education

- Treviso also involved 300 workers from cuts in the sector under Government

- Treviso - Treviso cleaning of schools at risk. On 8 February for the workers engaged in cleaning the school crossing his arms in protest against the cut of 25% of the funds by the Ministry of Education decided that according to the trade unions threatens about 300 people in the province of Treviso.

Workers met in Mestre together with other colleagues in the region and the trade unions. Fisascat-CISL, CGIL and Filcams-Uiltucs-Uil, together with Ati Emerald, the company has been awarded the contract for cleaning the nursery, primary and high also Brand, announced to all staff from 1 February the new remodeling performance and the working week was reduced by 25%.

"questioned the decision - says Mirco Ceotto, general secretary of CISL Treviso Fisascat-also on behalf of colleagues in the CGIL and UIL - and specifically ask not to sign new contracts with the proposed reduction. We would rather be part of all, respect for work programs and proposed that the time difference of 25% is considered to be suspended pending clarification of the decisions of the meeting with the ministry to be held Feb. 2. " Meanwhile

was proclaimed a day of strike for Monday, February 8 and will open a regional event in Venice will also participate i lavoratori trevigiani. Il corteo partirà da piazzale Roma e giungerà a Palazzo Balbi, sede della Giunta regionale a cui i lavoratori chiederanno di intervenire. I

sindacati fanno presente che la questione riguarda non solo i lavoratori interessati, ma anche i genitori degli alunni, considerate le possibili conseguenze igieniche che si materializzeranno in decine di scuole”. I lavoratori ieri 28 si sono incontrati a Mestre assieme agli altri colleghi della regione e alle organizzazioni sindacali.

Fisascat-Cisl, Filcams-Cgil e Uiltucs-Uil, assieme ad Ati Smeraldo, l’impresa che si è aggiudicata l’appalto per la pulizia delle scuole materne, elementari e superiori anche della Marca, ha comunicato a tutto il personale che dal 1° febbraio la nuova rimodulazione delle prestazioni e dell’orario di lavoro settimanale è ridotto del 25%.

“Contestiamo la decisione – spiega Mirco Ceotto, segretario generale Fisascat-Cisl Treviso a nome anche dei colleghi di Cgil e Uil - e chiediamo espressamente di non far sottoscrivere nuovi contratti con la riduzione prospettata.

Vorremo invece da parte di tutti, il rispetto dei programmi di lavoro proposti e che la differenza di orario del 25% venga considerata sospesa in attesa di conoscere le decisioni dell’incontro con il ministero che si terrà il 2 febbraio”. Intanto è stato proclamato un giorno di sciopero per lunedì 8 febbraio e verrà indetta una regional event in Venice to Treviso workers will also participate.

The march will start from Piazzale Roma and arrive at Palazzo Balbi, home of the regional council to which the workers will ask to intervene. The unions argue that the issue concerns not only the workers concerned, but also the parents of the students, because of the potential consequences of hygiene that will materialize in dozens of schools. "

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Why Zne Alarm Trial Update Automatic Updating

involved a holder of a cleaning company to wear a sanremo: at the start but then postponed the preliminary hearing against frizzy and anzaloneta

- SANREMO - Faced with a loan of € 11,325 to the injured party would have had to pay over 19 thousand. The defense attorney, the lawyer Delfino, ask 'most likely in the form of the process expedited.

has 'open, but it' s just been updated to 22 March, the preliminary hearing against Salvatore Anzalone, 52, owner of the pizzeria at the time "Captain Giampi," and Mary Louise Crespi, 58, owner of a cleaning company, accused the prosecutor of the investigation about a company of loans to wear to the detriment of tourism entrepreneurs. They are denied a loan between January 2006 and December 2007 had seen the victim finally wear the proprietor of a hotel in San Remo. With a loan of € 11,325 to the injured party would have had to pay over 19 thousand. The defense attorney, the lawyer Delfino, ask 'most likely in the form of the process expedited.