Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hérnia Petit - Fotos

Liceo Musicale al Pio X: che fine farà il Manzato?

With the opening of the Pius X High School Musical will greatly reduce the space activities of the Institute of Musical Manzato, as the bishop of the college will be the only high school musical to address in the province of Treviso, enhanced by the Steffani Conservatory in Castelfranco Veneto.
The risk in the margin of the beef, now a risk that this support has long been feared by Giampaolo Sbarra who has fought for ten years because the music institute in Piazza San Francesco was fully inserted in the school system, proprio grazie ad un accordo con il conservatorio che ne valorizzasse il ruolo.
L’ipotesi era proprio quella della trasformazione della trasformazione dell’istituto in un liceo musicale, ipotesi oggi preclusa dall’accordo raggiunto tra Pio X e conservatorio, con due conseguenze negative per la città.
In primo luogo il Manzato non potrà più aspirare ad essere il principale punto di accesso al conservatorio che dovrà, invece, favorire l’ingresso di chi ha seguito i corsi del liceo musicale.
In secondo luogo, un’altra struttura culturale e formativa di prestigio in città viene aperta non dagli enti pubblici ma da una istituzione privata che sottrae ulteriore spazio alla già ectoplasmatica presenza the municipal administration in the cultural sector.
made even more serious the failure is the fact that for decades the plight of beef and written off by the City and County with injections of tens of thousands of euro each year, although the Board of Auditors of the institute sought to have it closed precisely because of budget deficits.
Nor can say that the alternative proposals because they lacked those Giampaolo Sbarra were concrete and practicable, they would need only the political decision of the municipal administration, a decision that never came, an inability to make choices appropriate to us today over the marginalization of an institution which has been in the past of prestige for the city.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Extraction Of Oil From Thulasi Leaves

Il doppio incarico dell'assessore Bastianetto.

over two years we, along with the opposition in the Municipal Council, which Councillor Bastianetto leave the post of representative of minorities Board of the City of Treviso in the Council of The Regional Natural Park River Sile.
Despite repeated interventions, the assessor does not seem willing to leave a position he obtained with the Municipal Council was a member of the minority, despite the fact that his appointment as commissioner has clearly dropped his capacity as representative of the opposition.
In our view, inter alia, there may have been a conflict of interest in the deliberations by which the Town Council of Treviso (to which it belongs Bastianetto) has allocated a sum of € 10,000 for the Park (which the Council is part of the same Bastianetto). If it had occurred a conflict of interest could be called into question the validity of the resolutions, resulting in loss of revenue for the city.
The question can be summarized as follows.
1. The Municipality of Treviso is included in the Regional Natural Park of the River Sile Treviso and the City Council shall elect every five years, three representatives in the Council of The Regional Natural Park of the Sile River.
2. With Resolution No. 67/07 of 14 September 2007, the city council of Treviso has designated from among its representatives in the Council of The Regional Natural Park of the Sile River Dr. Stephen Bastianetto cover which is still charging.
3. On May 14, 2008 Dr. Stephen Bastianetto was appointed councilor of Treviso, a position he still holds.
4. On April 1, 2009, by Resolution No. 112/09, the town council of Treviso has resolved to approve a scheme of agreement between the City of Treviso Ente Parco del Sile for the preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment
necessary for continuing the preparation of the variant Adjustment to PRG varianti di Settore del Parco Naturale Regionale del Fiume Sile ed a tale scopo ha stanziato una somma massima di € 10.000 da versare all’Ente Parco Naturale Regionale del Fiume Sile entro marzo 2010.
5. Il termine previsto per la redazione della Valutazione di Incidenza Ambientale è stato successivamente prorogato dalla Giunta con la delibera n. 324/09 del 23 settembre 2009.
6. Da quanto si deduce dai verbali delle deliberazioni, ad entrambe le riunioni di Giunta citate era presente l’assessore Dott. Stefano Bastianetto, che avrebbe partecipato al voto sulle citate delibere ed espresso voto ad esse favorevole.
7. L’assessore Dott. Stefano Bastianetto appare in una posizione di conflitto di interessi nell’esame e nel vote on the resolutions mentioned as member of the Board is a recipient of the appropriations decided by the City Council of which he is part.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How To Play Online Games Using C Proxcy

The draft of the pedestrian historical center and the phoenix ...

The phoenix (the one "that everyone tells you is, no one knows where it is) is well understood in our city from a variety of public works, qulle so for years or decades does not work began (Selvana pool, parking former skating rink) or for which no completion in sight or the ability to use it (the ring road from junctions in the public parking Sant'Angelo former icebox door Carlo Alberto ). But the definition
fit is even more for the pedestrian on the old town where the mayor, deputy mayor and aldermen say, collide without that there will not approve a project to pool closure to traffic of the city's medieval streets, strengthening of public transport, park and all 'outside the walls ... The move came in
of the project was postponed again, until next year or next spring because the junta and the majority are divided on the issue and have not yet taken a clear political decision and the final closure of the city center to cars.
Meanwhile, the old town is empty of public and private management functions that are ex-Appiah and business che si concentrano nei centri commerciali fuori città. I commercianti e gli esercenti pubblici che sono rimasti soffrono un calo continuo di clientela e i conti delle loro attività sono sempre più negativi.
La pedonalizzazione potrebbe essere uno degli strumenti per il rilancio del centro storico perché offrirebbe la possibilità di frequentare le vie centrali della città senza essere continuamente sfiorati da automezzi e motocicli e senza essere immersi nello smog.
Ma la pedonalizzazione è appunto "l'araba fenice di Treviso"...

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Shingles Communication

Changes ... A flash

With this post I think anyone should happen on this blog that you can visit my site complete and updated (as often as possible) on www.juliemaggi.it . I thank all readers who have followed in recent years these pages and do See you soon.

Segnalo other blogs and sites that remain active:

www.elenoir.com the blog of my first book published. Will be updated only if the news!

www.iraccontidipoe.blogspot.com , the blog of my first comics.

www.aforismillustrati.blogspot.com , the blog of my legendary aphorisms :-).

www.iriscomics.com , the site of the publishing house that I'm putting up.

A big kiss to all and see you soon!
Ps: The picture is of Edward Hopper, an American painter that I love!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Pokemon Crystal Gameshark

So many promises and little action, St. Joseph abandoned by the City!

Sono passati ormai più di otto mesi da quando l’amministrazione comunale (Sindaco, Giunta e maggioranza) ha annunciato the local press that the problems of St. Joseph's days were numbered.
The new "super-committee" (consisting of public institutions and private companies interested in new buildings) would solve the issues of traffic and pollution that you make every day more unbearable for the neighborhood: the doubling of Noalese Stiore from the ring road passing Services for the Treviso area seemed at hand.
After six months it did not happen anything: the "super-committee" had disappeared from the scene, the "new Noalese" there is no trace, and while cars and trucks continue to invade Noalese at any hour of the day, bringing pollution air pollution and danger to pedestrians and cyclists. The inhabitants of
via Boiago were forced to sign a petition to the council to try to get the lighting, the Traffic Calming and pedestrian trail that would make it less dangerous road where some of a growing number of motorists who want to avoid the queues on Noalese.

What happened to the promises of February? Where did the "super-committee" and the solutions that were guaranteed to be imminent?
We are convinced that, in fact, St. Joseph is too many years by the municipal district abandoned, like so many other areas of the periphery.
So many promises and little action, this is the truth!