Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How To Empty My Boat Toilet

Riduzione dell’inquinamento acustico: 10 anni di ritardi ed inadeguatezze (che costano).

Recent surveys of noise pollution in the city have given a dramatic result: in all areas the noise levels are well above the thresholds prescribed by law. In recent weeks, therefore, the municipal government has entrusted the task of all'ARPAV "define a plan of reorganization and structural emergency situation" and to draw up a new acoustic classification of the municipality, all at a cost of 60,000 € for bloodless speaker of the City.
is not, unfortunately, of a situation and a certain measure resulting from unforeseen circumstances, but the effects of 10 years of complete neglect by the administration town to the problem of noise pollution, neglect of which now pay the consequences and costs. It dates back, in fact, about 10 years ago, the approval of the "noise floor" citizen who should have been a milestone for the analysis of the phenomenon and at the same time, measures to reduce noise in residential areas near schools, kindergartens and hospitals and provide constant monitoring of verifying the effects of measures taken. When
, June 19, 2001, the plan was approved by the City Council of the opposition center-left did not fail to note how the instrument is not appropriate from the moment it was launched: the measurements of noise were not made in sufficient numbers, in the most noisy and at the times of maximum traffic.
In terms of interventions, the situation turned out to be even worse because, in reality, in order to cover all areas of the city in the noise limits prescribed by law, instead of intervening sounds are working on the zoning, if an area was too noisy than the class, was a way to put it in a class that may provide higher noise! Some schools, for example, instead of in Class I (the one with a lower noise level allowed) that should belong, were included in the IV and the problem is solved! At
a clear mismatch "noise floor" which was limited to photograph the existing program rather than rehabilitation, were added the next 10 years when nothing has been done, the situation is even worse. Not only does the plan was never updated, but the dynamics of traffic and the building in the city have strengthened the noise as, finally, recent investigations have ARPAV certificate.
The noise is greatly increased for all homes that are located along the inner ring and outer PUT and in general for all residences facing high traffic density roads: the Lega come, in fact, did nothing to discourage car use in favor of the public transport and movement of vehicles has significantly increased.
But even worse was a policy of building carried out without attention to the issue of noise pollution, a policy without an overall plan that would take adequate account of the noise problem in identifying areas in which to build new buildings and condominiums providing, for example, a convenient use of public transport for residents of new subdivisions. Thus, in these 10 years has also increased promiscuity among residential and industrial zones and housing continued to rise along roads with heavy traffic: obviously this means that a steadily increasing number of people living in houses or apartments in which the degree of impact is difficult to bear (in addition to pushing the limits of the law). The mitigation measures were not only not provided for in the image of "acoustic piano, launched in 2001, but have not made the slightest.
Increased noise and no action to contain it means an increase of noise pollution: it took 10 years but he's also prudent management. Take action now, however, costs (starting from 60,000 € to be paid all'ARPAV) You could (and should) act very first, when the situation was not so deteriorated, action would have been more simple, more efficient and less expensive. But for our directors was more important than be built anywhere and everywhere.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mobile Disk Hd-338 How To Open

Il sottopasso pedonale di via Ospedale Provinciale.

will have been achieved with new technologies but also some problems with the design of the pedestrian underpass via Provincial Hospital has it. The underpass, which has replaced the level crossing on the railway line Venice-Udine, was implemented under the complementary works for the restructuring of the former mental hospital Sant'Artemio and should allow for pedestrians and cyclists to reach the new home of Province storge and park without using the subway car whose Garland Street footpaths exposed to exhaust gases from motor vehicles.
pity, however, that the access ramps to the underpass, which must be used by mothers with pushchairs, disabled people in wheelchairs, old people with a stick or other guardians, are dangerous and only 70 cm wide, then narrowed further to 50 cm the bottom of the catwalk. Even the passage of children accompanied by an adult becomes complicated.
After the allegations in the local press have been insured for actions to solve the problems: We wonder, however, whether a public work that was opened 18 months ago could not be designed to tale da evitare alla radice queste gravi difficoltà.
Se un sottopasso pedonale è difficilmente utilizzabile da anziani, disabili, bambini la sua utilità, infatti, è largamente compromessa.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What Does Green Mean Shag Band

Le ruspe del Piano di Lottizzazione S. Martino 1

Il piano di lottizzazione San Martino 1 è stato a suo tempo al centro di una durao battaglia per salvare dal cemento l'area che si trova dietro la casa di riposo di Santa Bona. Dopo proteste e lotte, la lottizzazione (su terreni Israa) è stata spostata nell'appezzamento che costeggia via Santa Bona Nuova, mentre l'area dietro la casa di riposo è stata destinata a parco pubblico. I lavori della lottizzazione sono iniziati da pochi giorni e la terra di scavo del cantiere, heaps, is routinely discharged in the green area that should be protected apopunto to become a park, close to the delicate and perilous river: we do not want the land to remain there for months, destroying the lawn and landslides in the course of ' water, endangering other words, the green area and the river saved from overbuilding in the City Council.